9/11 Remembrance


Obey my dog!
Apr 24, 2005
For all the fallen, for all the heros, for all the families and friends of the innocent victims, for all of those whose lives where changed because of this tragic day...God bless and may we never forget.

We Will Never Forget
You notice the media never talks about Israel’s connection to the 9/11 attacks? The never mention the fact that Mossad agents were caught laughing while the trade centers were burning in the background and they never mention the fact that around 140 Israeli spies were apprehended by the FBI but all of them were sent back to Israel etc…the only thing that I know of that was on the news about Israel and 9/11 was on Fox News but it was taken off of their site but here is a recording of it.

Patrick R. said:
You notice the media never talks about Israel’s connection to the 9/11 attacks? The never mention the fact that Mossad agents were caught laughing while the trade centers were burning in the background and they never mention the fact that around 140 Israeli spies were apprehended by the FBI but all of them were sent back to Israel etc…the only thing that I know of that was on the news about Israel and 9/11 was on Fox News but it was taken off of their site but here is a recording of it.


Ugh. I don't think this is the point of the thread.
ZeeZooZum said:
Ugh. I don't think this is the point of the thread.

Well think again, it is 9/11...everyone should know who was involved in that attack, even the title of this thread is '9/11 Remembrance' day and we should remember all of those who were involved in that attack.
Patrick R. said:
Well think again, it is 9/11...everyone should know who was involved in that attack, even the title of this thread is '9/11 Remembrance' day and we should remember all of those who were involved in that attack.

Stick to conspiracy thread if you can't tell the difference between what you posted and what everyone else did.
ZeeZooZum said:
Stick to conspiracy thread if you can't tell the difference between what you posted and what everyone else did.

Three people posted other then myself before I brought up anything against the Israeli spies, which is totally relevant to 9/11.
schenkadere said:
For all the fallen, for all the heros, for all the families and friends of the innocent victims, for all of those whose lives where changed because of this tragic day...God bless and may we never forget.
Hey Patrick, you dip shit, read the quote above. No where in this quote does it say anything about Jews, Jawas, Sand people, planes or buildings. Its about the people who died in the attacks and thats it. No more no less, and if you are going to be the asshole who is going to fuck this thread up with some political bullshit, then you can go fuck yourself.
You want to talk your bullshit, make your own thread.
Hawng said:
Hey Patrick, you dip shit, read the quote above. No where in this quote does it say anything about Jews, Jawas, Sand people, planes or buildings.

And your point is? Does that mean that you can't add your own thoughts on a 9/11 thread?

Hawng said:
Its about the people who died in the attacks and thats it.

All I have done was bring up some facts that people don't really know about...what is the problem with that? If the person who started this thread didn't want to talk about anything else other then the victims then I would have kept it at that, you on the other hand have no room to talk about getting off the subject for it is you who is throwing around childish insults.

Hawng said:
No more no less, and if you are going to be the asshole who is going to fuck this thread up with some political bullshit, then you can go fuck yourself.

You are the one throwing around childish insults, you are the one that starting trouble here, not me.

Hawng said:
You want to talk your bullshit, make your own thread.

You are the one that is talking 'bull shit' my sad friend.
Oh come on...you lost the whole point...just admit that and let's get back to the topic...or as suggested, start a thread to follow your discussion.

I'm not trying to be a dick, but let's just keep it to the memory of those lost.
schenkadere said:
Oh come on...you lost the whole point...just admit that and let's get back to the topic...or as suggested, start a thread to follow your discussion.

I'm not trying to be a dick, but let's just keep it to the memory of those lost.
Already done.
As Hawng has so subtlely and eloquently expressed...

Let's keep this thread dedicated to honoring the heros and victims of this great country's most tragic day...and to the brave men and women in the Middle East defending our principles and beliefs...let's just think of that, regardless of our opinions and political views.

Peace to all.
Everytime 9/11 roles around I always feel proud that I have bagged some of those scumbags responsible.

I think to many people have forgotten what happened that day. I'll never forget, especially 5 days later living in a jungle/desert on "the hunt"
Patrick, you're lonely aren't you? I mean, when my dog or my 10 year old nephew is lonely or wants attention. They do stupid shit to get it. Go meet somebody already. You certainly aren't going to do so sitting in your basement punching your clown.
Evil Dead said:
Everytime 9/11 roles around I always feel proud that I have bagged some of those scumbags responsible.

I think to many people have forgotten what happened that day. I'll never forget, especially 5 days later living in a jungle/desert on "the hunt"

i will NEVER forget that day. a beer for the victims, and one for evildead for killing them fucks