We're seeing CANDLEMASS in NYC on my BIRTHDAY and her MOM says...

ahahah she wasn't that crazy... though, she did kinda freak out when we got back to my house last night.

we'd just spent pretty much the whole day in cars, planes, terminals, were both exhausted and i was still sick. we get into my house, i go right up to my room to put my stuff down and change and when i get back downstairs, she's hurt that i didn't throw my arms around her and exclaim that i'd missed everyone so much and as so glad to be home and didn't have some huge emotional response to everything, and that just goes into her saying that i'm emotionless and unresponsive to everything and nothing matters to me aaand... yeah shit, if i'm like her when i'm that old, i'm lobotomizing myself.
hell no, if its not Messiah its definately not worth seeing, especially with some completely new vocalist. its basically a glorified cover band without him.
Psh Robert Lowe>>>>>>>>>>>>>Messiah.

It's not his fault the material wanst upt to par.

Solitude Aetnursnus>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.Candlemass

If you disagree your opiniogopn is wrong
Well I agreee with your statement that the Messiah candlemass stuff wouldnt have been right without messiah. As far as Messiah goes I p[refer him in Candlemass I'll give you that.
Ill go to both. Take that.

Assuming I find a new fucking job in time.
But cover band? Fuck that.

Robert Lowe pwns you thrash fags.

Fuck thrash. Its fucking gay.

Except Testament, Mekong Delta, and Kreator and Politics of Ectsasy.
And some other shit i cant emeber. Fuck power metal

Except Blind Guardian and Demons And Wizards and the band who does the song Woods oc The Elvenking but not Elvenking.

Fuck heaby metal.

Exce[t Morothead and a gew other.

Just forget I said anyting I <3 it all.Good niught neverboard.