9/25 Sacramento show review


Headspliting Metal
Sep 28, 2004
Finaly got an email from the moderator so here is my post finaly..It was our first time seeing the Maiden's live so naturaly I was blown away..Everthing from the sheer talent to the selection of tunes,the Maidens delivered a head smashing good time..The set list was great,some of the highlights for me were Remeber Tomarrow,Killers and Genghis Khan...I was not dissapointed one bit,screaming along to every song (besides Khan).....Thanks to the Maiden's and thanks to my bros who came up from Modesto and joined me and the wife on drinking the town dry ....

Hope to see tha Maiden's again here in Sac..I only begg that you play another venue than the Roadhouse..A downtown show would have a better turnout and less trash showing up...I knew I was in trouble when a guy I talk to at the bar used Satan and Nature in the same breath....Old Iron Sides or Empire would be cool..Anyways incredible night Ladies,It sure beat out 1997 when the Xfatour rolled through the city,thats right,THEY CANCELLED...See you next Show!!! :Spin:
Welcome to the boards, Dekapitator! We can't wait to come back! The people of Sacramento were really good to us. A lot of San Franciscans who saw us at the Pound came out, as well, which was very cool. The energy of the audience was intense!