Live After Death Set Salt Lake Review


Stuck in Utah
Sep 16, 2003
Salt Lake City, UT
1:38 AM. Just got home from the Zephyr Club after watching The Iron Maidens: Live After Death show. Showered to get the smoke-smell out of my hair, and sat down at the PC.

I must say this was a blazing set! The band ripped through almost the entire LAD catalogue [I believe Revelations was the only song left out], and with Encore did it in an amazing 90 minutes (to the minute!). Rocking show, loud, heavy, and nary a sound problem that I could detect.

One of the very best shows I've seen in a long time. Full of energy, fun, and lots of head-thrashing. The only gripe at all was that the lightboard man kept the stage VERY dark, and even had to be prompted at times to bring the lighting back up. But this did not detract much, and it was a blast to FINALY see the LAD show, since I missed it by 1 day when Iron Maiden was in Salt Lake way-back when.

Go to this gig when it's in your town, and enjoy it as much as I did.

Thanks again to the band for coming, and letting me tape the show. You were all wonderful to meet, and it will be a pleasure to see you all again soon (3 months? I hope so!). Up the Irons, Up the Maidens, and Metal Forever!

-Kerry (aka HobbesDawg)
Well, it was definitely good to see the gals onstage again! And I finally had the opportunity to meet Mike Heenan and some other fans as well! Hopefully I'll see some of the SLC fans at other shows again soon.

As soon as I manage to get a scanner working here, I'll upload my pics. And I'm sure that the others will be uploading theirs as well.

That was the first time I've seen an opening act storm off the stage in the middle of the first song though... which amazes me seeing that the Zephyr is one of the best (if not the best) club to play at in Utah.
Mr Toast said:
That was the first time I've seen an opening act storm off the stage in the middle of the first song though... which amazes me seeing that the Zephyr is one of the best (if not the best) club to play at in Utah.
I've seen that happen before at the Galaxy when I saw Dreams of Damnation one night (I forget who was headlining). It was pretty funny to watch, actually! :grin:

Who was this stage-storming-off band?
smylex said:
I've seen that happen before at the Galaxy when I saw Dreams of Damnation one night (I forget who was headlining). It was pretty funny to watch, actually! :grin:

Who was this stage-storming-off band?

Some group called "Starmy" who started their first song, for about oh, 30 seconds, and then stoped, complaining he needed a sound check.

They gave him, I'd say. 4-5 minutes ? to re-sound check, and then he started up again. Played about a minute, stoped mid song, and the singer just walked off stage.

Allegedly he blamed the Maidens, saying "they took too long on their sound check" that he couldn't come back and do another one later..cha' right.. On the positive side, the rest of the band appologized profusely to the staff for what happend. Ya know, when you're on the pub circut in Salt Lake you don't become a prima-donna.. oh well.

The Maidens rocked, so who cares :)

(shakes head) :Smug:

Ya Know... I can't help but feel a little disapoint in Mr. Sartain (the singer) and his bed-head-comb-over whinning. Whatever his excuse may be, that kind of stuff is unprofessional and complete bullshit! Not that it matters much, but I have good reason to belive he probably didn't want to be there in the first place, you see, this guy and most musicans and bands here in their genre think true metal and it's fans are a bunch of camero-driving-reebok-wearing-mullet-dirtbags not worthy of there time... what a fuckstick! Get over it! :yell:

I can't blame their entire band for his attitude, In fact, I think the drummer stuck around for the show! but I hope for their sake they fire his ass... I would! The people that suffered were those at the club early (like myself) waiting to hear some live local music and see the mighty maidens, and he ruined that for everyone that came to have a good time and also made himself look like a complete asshole... :erk:

So with that being said, I would like to add this: under the circumstances.... Katagory V would have sold their souls to open for the Maidens!!! We don't need no stinking sound check, we don't want no stinking money, we just want some exposure to the local metal fans here in our hometown and be able to share the stage with some excellent musicans like the Maidens....

Pardon my self-indulgence and frutration, but after seeing that silly display of "Rock Star-itis" last night from Starmy's singer, I felt like a beggar on the street watching someone light a $100 bill on fire in front of me.....

My 2 cents on the matter.

..oh yes, the upside to that whole fiasco was the Maidens got to come on a bit early and tear shit up with time to spare at the end of the night, so actually I shouldn't even be complaining! It was Live after death and it killed!!!
"Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner".... goddamn! i'll never get tired of hearing them do that live!

Excellent as always ladies, sorry I didn't stick around to chit-chat though, the wife was half asleep (to many beers)and dragging me out the door... maybe next time?

What can I say, I support the bands I like, and encourage others to do the same. The same thought that Dustin had was running through my head when it happened, and I just had to shake my head...

Next time I'm at the Zephyr, I'll beg and plead the management to get the KatV guys in there sometime soon... if they can impress the crowds at ProgPower IV (not to mention Uncle John), I think the Zephyr should have them play at least once...

But I digress. I arrived towards the end of the Maidens' sound check and the opening act was nowhere to be seen. You would think that they would have at least been in the building to do their sound check... and the gals sounded awesome as always (I think the song was Running Free). I was pacing around the club and it sounded awesome pretty much everywhere - kudos to the Maidens and the sound guys for doing such an awesome job!!!