Salt Lake Maidens re-live party?

Hey Hobbes!

The band name is Sons Of Nothing, and they are playing at The Zephyr on Friday. I'm trying to make as many shows at the Zephyr as possible (i.e. those that interest me) to add to their remodeling chest.

Halloween night is some Reggae-ish band from what I was told. I may or may not pop in then, depending on if that is the Zephyr's last gig at their current location.
Hey Hobbes and Dustin!

This Saturday, Hourglass is playing again in Round 2 of the Battle Of The Bands thingie at Club Expose (about 2nd West on 2100 South), and we really should go out and support them!!! (Hobbes, they are very similar to Rush, Kansas, and a little Fates Warning in a lot of ways, if this helps). That's where I plan to be anyways (Hourglass takes the stage at 10 PM). The audience vote and reaction is factored in to the scores of who advances to the next round...

BTW, the Hourglass website can be found at:

One of these weekends we will all be able to get together and do this Re-Live party...
Mr Toast said:
Hey Hobbes and Dustin!

This Saturday, Hourglass is playing again in Round 2 of the Battle Of The Bands thingie at Club Expose (about 2nd West on 2100 South), and we really should go out and support them!!! (Hobbes, they are very similar to Rush, Kansas, and a little Fates Warning in a lot of ways, if this helps). That's where I plan to be anyways (Hourglass takes the stage at 10 PM). The audience vote and reaction is factored in to the scores of who advances to the next round...

BTW, the Hourglass website can be found at:

One of these weekends we will all be able to get together and do this Re-Live party...

Yeah, we gota figure something out. Turkey-day weekend is out, of course, as is this weekend, but something inbetween would work!
:yell: Cripes!!!!

I can't seem to keep up!

This weekend (the 15th & 16th) We'll be in a studio down south tracking two new songs ... sort of a pre-preproduction thing ( huh? ) ... Curtis set it up, it's being called a "Fun day" as were not footing the bill for this one. :cool: Friday the 14th could work, but I'm sure it's too short of notice.

The weekend of the 21st & 22nd I have inventory at the day job and will be tied up all night Friday, and I might be doing a slight remodeling project at home that Saturday night and Sunday... but that's still tentative, but it need to be done with that as I will be painting the entire living room/Kitchen area over thanksgiving :Smug:

Any other thoughts? I want to hang out and see this DVD!

Crikey, I need to check by this thread more often!


Tonight's not good for me, unfortunately... come down with something of a particularly nasty case of the flu :ill: that's been attacking me all week, so I'm confining myself to my house (and the doctor's).

I hope you guys have a good time... I wish I could come and join you! I'll have to catch up with you all later... :erk:

EDIT: According to the doc earlier tonight, it's actually pneumonia. I should be just fine, it might just take a little while... and hey, I got some kick-ass drugs for it. Hope to see you all soon - and not just on the 'Net!
Mr Toast said:
So, Hobbes (and Luna, etc.), are we still on for tonight? I'm heading down to Dustin's place in the next hour or so...

ARGHGH I didn't even have a chance to check in on here yesterday, so I hope it didn't go down with just the two of you.

Sorry 'bout that! Alas, I normaly need a bit more notice so I can run it by the wife. I've been so damn busy with work and a few auctions I had up that I didn't even think about it. Sorry about that all....

At this point I'd be free next weekend (but looks like Dustin isn't) or sometime in the early part of December.

Sorry again mates :(

-Hobbes "Busy" Dawg