9 New Reviews: Stratovarius, Negura Bunget, Cannibal Corpse & more

"teh" mean "the", but I guess some people accidentaly hit the keys in the order and since then it has become a norm for internet nerds. Just go to the Opeth forums and half the threads will have "blah blah blah is teh win!"

Fucking idiots.
I'm obviously just spoofing that. And I think it's funny that the person who started it obviously had a weak command of the Queen's English.

Example: Dreamlord is teh angry. :)

Oh, and I imagine 'l337' is 'leet' as in 'elite'.
It cracks me up, just like using mathematical comparisons to show which album or group is better.

teh suck > teh win!!!!1111

That's my favorite though, anything with a bunch of exclamation marks followed by repeated 1 because the typist's finger slipped off the shift key, but the level of excitement remains. LOLZZ!!!!!11111 :tickled:
lurch70 said:
Since all you guys seem to be into Negura ... the previous band that Negru and Hupogrammos Disciple were in was called MAKROTHUMIA back in 1997.
I guess I could ask them, but can you confirm who from NB was in Makrothumia? I'm having a spot of trouble finding that out. Negru mentions the band in interviews, but doesn't say which NB band members specifically.

It is different from Negura ... more proressive and Death Metal influenced, but atmospheric like Negura.

Right - "Progressive Doom/Death" according to Negru in some interviews...

I am curious what you guys would think ....
I think that after one listen, it is surprisingly excellent. I've heard Negru mention a second album called "The Alchemy of Art" - was this ever made/released?

I'll review Makrothumia (The Rit of Individualization) - whether it's still even available or not is beyond me. Bestial Records might still have some copies.
I guess I could ask them, but can you confirm who from NB was in Makrothumia? I'm having a spot of trouble finding that out. Negru mentions the band in interviews, but doesn't say which NB band members specifically.
According to this official BIO ... click for scan:(http://www.netcontactonline.com/makrothumia.gif) looks like Negru (Gabriel Mafa) and Hupogrammos Disciple (recognize in pic, but do not know his real name).

There is not much info on them, and I really doubt if there are copies left of their release anywhere.