a bad situation


fan's incarnation
May 7, 2002
sardinia, Italy
Hello there everybody,
I just wanted to share with all of u the local situation. I don't want to bother u guys, but actually I'm feeling so sad and depressed that I can't even smile at all.

I'm in a band that plays thrash-death, we play stuff from ourselves plus covers (mainly from Death-Sadus-Sepultura). Or at least I WAS in a band...we disbanded early may02. anyway during our career we've been hanged by several posts in our guestbook by these guys who strated calling us posers for causes that I ignore. The thing is now that beside our unlucky story (to find out u can visit my site NECROID_HERE listed down here) and the fact that we have been unable to record anything, these guys created a webzine that apart ignoring us or shooting shit on us, is literally living on lies. The worst of it all: they are PROSELYTIZING. And also the main webmaster and mind of it all is a guy who plays in a local band which is being PUSHED TO THE EXTREME by this webzine...this guy is only showing up his band and his friends...
In these days I sent him an email to dissent on the entire fact and he PUBLISHED it entirely on his forum. Crap. The local scene is gonna be ruled by this overpowering guy and I have no way to reply....

Excuse for this long post but I wanted u guys know ehat's going on in my town...and I know for sure that even few words from you can help me passing this awful moment. I'm sort of bandless and sad as hell...damn
