A BIG HUGE Thanks to Glenn for doing it again!!!


Mar 1, 2004
Well,we're 40% into the who's who of ProgPower 2006 and we should all be giving Glenn a big thank you for what he pulls off every year.regardless of whether we like all of the bands or not. I was there in 2003 and 2004;2005 was not to my liking band wise so I passed on going,now 2006 is a guaranteed September vacation in Atlanta due to Epica.
This Progpower trip is not cheap for anybody who is traveling,yet the people continue to flock to Atlanta every year. Ask yourself why. Glenn puts on amazing show with amazing bands year after year,and he deserves a big thankyou for all of the effort that goes into these shows.
My advice to those who question/complain which bands are selected and decide not to go based on the bands alone...think twice before begging off. I passed on last years show and have been kicking myself ever since. Just the whole atmosphere of ProgPower is reason enough to get excited about the trip. Its like going on a big family vacation with all of your dysfunctional family members. I wont miss another ProgPower for as long as I live and for as long as I can afford to go,which is why I save money starting in October all the way through...THANKYOU Glenn for this thing we call ProgPower.
Somebody once said "Hurricanes be damned!"... Hurricane Ivan almost killed me three ways...
1. Flying into Ivan,I thought I was a dead man
2. Landing in Atlanta...a wind gust of 100 mph turned the plane sideways about 100 feet from the runway...I thought I was a dead man once again
3. The aftermath of Ivan,,,sitting on the plane for 8.5 hrs caused me some medical problems...a big bloodclot in my right calf(1 of the reasons for passing on last years show, recovering from a bloodclot takes a long ass time!
If theres a god up there (or if Glenn is listening IE; God-Like ) Please no hurricanes this year. I want to live long enough to see this damn show!
Thank you Glenn!!! Looking forward to my second PP show. You got me hooked last year not only for bringing over my boyz, but the whole weekend vibe was amazing! You couldn't ask for greater, kinder, nicer and helpful bunch of "strangers" who get to be your best buds for a few days!
:worship: HAIL GLENN!!:worship:
"If I forget to tell you later, I had a really great time this WEEK" (ripped from a line in Pretty Woman or something)- I dont really even care who the next 6 bands annouced are (not that I dont have a wish list) - coz I know that no matter what - this festival is going to be a better use of my vacation time & money than almost anything else I could do. So, if Glenn announced one of his surprises as being the Barry Manilow Trio - I'm still down with it LOL.
Hopefully this year I can meet more of the people from this forum - maybe I can make up a geeky "Hi My Name is Manowarfan1" badge or something.

Oh and if the women's wrestling match does take place - let me konw - I have a background in 'rassling - as my brother was in AWA/WWF/WCW etc for years :)

TwizstedJesus said:
Somebody once said "Hurricanes be damned!"...

HEEEY!!!! I RESENT THAT!!!! :loco:

But yes, no hurricanes please, at least not during PP week. Let the wind and rain rage on any other time.
manowarfan1 said:
Oh and if the women's wrestling match does take place - let me konw - I have a background in 'rassling - as my brother was in AWA/WWF/WCW etc for years :)


Really? Who's your brother?
If he was a heel, I probably cheered him, if he was a face, I'm sure he got heckled a bit from the throng of people I used to go to matches with....:Spin:

TwizstedJesus said:
Its like going on a big family vacation with all of your dysfunctional family members.

Fuck yeah! That made me laugh out loud...

So true...so true...

Rock on!