A blast from the past..


New Metal Member
Oct 31, 2004
Check out this pic of Biff and me in the late 80's. Scary! :tickled:

Ms Muse - That's more like the BIff I know!
It looks like you somehow get the attention from some of my fave musicians! Biff wouldn't give me second look! All he's done for me is throw a bottle of water at my head! I can't for the life of me see how you can get these guys' attention!

But, then again, it could be because you look Luuvveeerrrverrly!

With all due respect, of course!
LMAO!! That's too kind. I've just been lucky with being in the right place at the right time. Those are older pics, and until recently had been hidden away in a box, but believe me I'm only cute at best, so I appreciate the nice words. I'm one of those girls that has a ton of male friends, but never a date..LOL. Another time when I was lucky enough to hang out with Saxon in Memphis, my mom was there also and had much better luck holding Biff's attention. Go figure! ;)
Ms Muse - I know where your coming from. I'm a good, old-fashioned English Chap and, to be honest, most of my best friends are female - but it's great, as there are no expectations there.
As for your Mum - Well, you know how they are! They will grab all the attention from you, but you wouldn't be without them! I've got a pretty cool Mum, too, although she hasn't such a good taste in music as yours!
Anyhoo -
You've obiously met a few decent musicians in life. What did guys like Biff, Dave Murray etc have to say when you met them?
Hey Nightwar,
I really can't remember what all was said, mostly talk about music. I do remember that all the guys in Saxon and Iron Maiden both were so nice and nothing like I had imagined them to be. Everytime I had the honor of hanging out with them, it was a blast, and they were never anything but stand up guys. A real pleasure. ;)
Cool, Ms Muse - I would be so concious of not asking a crap question or whatever, you know? I think that, although I'd be pretty awe-struck, I'd just try to shoot the breeze with them with some normal conversation. But I'm sure I would ask them something that would make me think 'Doh!' in hindsight!

Anyhow, have you met any other people that the forum users would know about?
I had a chat with a guy that was in a famous English band quite some time ago. EMF. I think they did OK over in the US too. Not my kind of music, but I had a really cool chat with the guy who had been the singer. I met him through my work, so the conversation was very nice and laid back - once the business was over, I brought up music and we ended up talking about Led Zeppelin for ages!
Hey Nightwar,
I definately know what you mean, I'm always saying something to embarrass myself. LOL! I dont know if ya'll would have heard of some of the others or not. Mostly 80's and 90's rockers, Quiot Riot, Warrant, Blue Oyster Cult, 38 Special, Cheap Trick, Journey, Ted Nugent, Aldo Nova, etc. I won vip passes to see/meet Tesla in the next few months and I'm totally excited because they have always been a favorite band of mine. I used to work in music stores and was always getting tickets and passes to shows, so I was just pretty lucky in hindsight. These days I'm promoting unsigned bands and that's mainly what I listen to as well, so I'm out of the loop with some of the newer signed bands, but the old school bands still kick ass as far as I am concerned. Have you ever heard of a band called Flight 16 near London? That's one of my current fave unsigned bands. Sometime, I'll tell ya the story about the first time I met Iron Maiden and went to an after show party at their hotel and their crazy roadie. I hope they have fired that idiot by now! :yell: