A breif guide to Mead!


Mead Master
Sep 24, 2011
Now as all metal heads know, Mead is one of the most metal drinks around. But what is it? Mead simply is Honey wine; but its more of a beer than a wine! So is it easy to make the drink of the vikings? Yes.


So the proportions are hard to figure out, but Preferably 1 part honey 2 parts water. Mix the Honey and water together until they are one single fluid. Simply put them into a bottle (Prefferably glass but a 2l plastic bottle will do) Have some way of letting the gases out. If its a plastic bottle a simple pinhole neer the cap will or a baloon with a hole in it (Remember to put tape on the area you are putting a hole in to stop it from tearing), but if the container is glass you may need to look into water locks.

As for the yeast you will only need a Sache or two depending on how much you are brewing. Simply mix the yeast in, Leave the bottle of mix somewhere warm for about 2 weeks until it has fully fermented. Well done! You have Mead! But what now?

Remember. Filter it after the fermentation is complete.


If you want to better the flavor you can leave it for months at a time!

So there you go! Mead! Now you can get shit faced like the vikings:kickass:!

Here is a video of Amon Amarth showing you how its done!

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