walking to work today, a BUNNY RABBIT darted across the sidewalk in front of me and vanished into the bushes (!). it was tiny, maybe the size of a softball at most. where does he live? under a streetlight on comm. ave??
if he was only the size of a softball, there must be a whole clan of them. resourceful critters. the other night I went out to my car and it was pitch black, a freaking possum went skittering out from beneath the car. "GAK!" I cried, pissing and almost losing the sphincter control. in beautiful metropolitan columbus.
oh, well, i dont mean possums exist EXCLUSIVELY in cities, but things like possum, skunk, raccoons, rats, squirrels, etc. are stuff i EXPECT to see in cities. not rabbits!
well we've got shitloads of raccoons. smart-ass critters they are. the other day I was driving through an intersection and saw one peering out at me from a storm drain. he looked like a panzer commander peering out of a turret.