A Chill Is Coming!


May 31, 2004
Atlanta 'burbs
The heat isn't gone, but this morning I awoke this morning to a slight chill. Who else is stoked for the weather cooling off?

What's not to like? That first cold breeze in October that gives you a slight chill, sitting by the fireplace, coats, the warming sensation of drinking way more coffee than you should, climbing under the covers and immediately falling asleep, NOT sweating constantly, work closing if the roads ice, women losing their summer tans and looking so cute in their winter clothes, FOOTBALL, internet forums being way more awesome/active.

Shit, I don't know about you guys but my mood improved 1000% when summer packs up its bags and GTFO. Winter is coming bitches.
Fall has always been my favorite season. Halloween has always been special to me for whatever reason. This summer has been miserably hot working on oil field containments (aka black plastic) so I'm really looking forward to a temperature change and the work to slow down a bit.
Fall is for suckers. Only Winter is real.

Snow I'm not excited about.
Never though I'd agree with this sentiment but alas its true. I've always loved winter and snow and in all honestly never minded shoveling either. Last year was the season that finally broke me. It just would not fucking stop and I fucked my shoulder up raking a damn roof.

Still though I'm not the biggest fan of summer and would much rather endure the cold than feel like I'm about to collapse from the goddamn heat so I'm all about the change of seasons. Fall rules.
i despise the sun. looking forward to freezing my ass off at the heart of winter in fucking MOSCOW in december