A Compliment thread :D

I do believe that....I don't remember :/ I think most likely from an email, or from wherever that 'When God Kills Kittens' picture originates from....and thank you for showing interest, your curiosity will open you mind to many wonders and surprises :)
What an interesting thread upon which I have the pleasure to tread! I will congratulate the patrons not for the nature of their subject, (now wait, wait! Before you object...) but of the pleasurable execution therein; that of which is a clay to each their own whim. To thee my praises fall freely, and for those to come I make way agreeably.
*puts pansy in a vase* Thank you, nØthing! :D

You guys are really great.. I mean all of you UMers! I spend vast amounts of time here (mostly spent in PMs to Wandrail :oops: ) and it's nice to have a group of Metalheads that are down to earth and kind! Too many people give metalheads a bad rap, so it's great to have a bunch of really nice people to converse with!
\m/ I've found that metalheads are generally very nice people, so it's no wonder that this thread exists!

*Reads thread*


*kills self*


*isn't missed* :cry:
First of all, thank you guys for the compliments... Now that was sweet - mentioning me :)

Just like sh0kr0k, I spend aeons of time inhere... I guess that´s the compliment I have for all of you ;)

"They love! They share!
They share and love and share!
Love, love, love!
Share, share, share!
The Itchy and Scratchy Show!

Itchy and Scratchy are sitting in rocking chairs on a porch with a
table holding a pitcher of lemonade between them.

Itchy: Lemonade?
[3-second pause]
Scratchy: Please.
Itchy: I made it just for you.
Scratchy: You are my best friend.
[after dialogue in Simpsons' living room]
Itchy: Mm, this really hits the spot.
Scratchy: Doesn't it, though.
Itchy: You make really good lemonade, Scratchy.
Scratchy: [embarrassed] Oh, thank you, Itchy.
[superimpose a heart with `The End' on it]
Ah, the cleaned up Itchy and Scratchy episode, classic.

Sh0k has had the coolest avatars lately.

I've been posting here off and on for about 6 months now, and up until this point I thought the general consensus was that most people are a dick (or dickette) on UM, including myself. I suppose I have to start being nicer. :D

Maybe the dicks and dickettes were only in the Cannibal Corpse forum... hmmm... :lol:
Originally posted by Warrior of Ice
theres a cannibal corpse thread?:err:
There used to be a whole forum, but it kinda disappeared. With good reason, most people were jerks in there, and the topics were pretty akin to their lyrics, i.e. "who would you rather kill with a blunt object?" Nothing much about music.
Originally posted by NAD
There used to be a whole forum, but it kinda disappeared. With good reason, most people were jerks in there, and the topics were pretty akin to their lyrics, i.e. "who would you rather kill with a blunt object?" Nothing much about music.

I agree, but UM wasn't quite the same after they left. The bleed-thru to the Chat threads waw entertaining though...
Awww, I wish I could have been around for that. There's so much at UM though that has nothing to do with music, and at least CC have fun, morbidly entertaining imagery to play around with in a chatty way.....did it just get too old? or insulting?
The forum was a bit too Vile, it was as if everyone in there had a certian Bloodthirst, and all were definitely Gore Obsessed. The Bleeding did seep through to other parts of UM and was pretty entertaining, but it eventually turned the whole place into a Gallery of Suicide, or perhaps even a Tomb of the Mutilated. The forum probably should have been Butchered at Birth, but may some day become Eaten Back to Life, you never know. :D

Yeah I know that was lame, but I had fun with it. Actually I'm a pretty big Cannibal Corpse fan, but most of the people in that forum were rude just for the sake of being rude. "What should be my first CC album?" would be answered with "GET OUT FAG, WE HATE NEWBIES." Okay, maybe it wasn't that bad. :p