A Compliment thread :D

This thread is inspired me for another thread: Compliment the previous poster. I shall start another one. For now, I compliment every metalhead for representing free, happy, fun-loving, [heavy] community! and myself... :D

Originally posted by NAD

Yeah I know that was lame, but I had fun with it. Actually I'm a pretty big Cannibal Corpse fan, but most of the people in that forum were rude just for the sake of being rude. "What should be my first CC album?" would be answered with "GET OUT FAG, WE HATE NEWBIES." Okay, maybe it wasn't that bad. :p

I used to be a regular on the Cannibal forum and I was never rude to people on there unless they were rude to me first. Towards the end there was a lot of bullshit spammers and assholes so I guess they decided to do away with it.
Originally posted by Stoner Sioux
Towards the end there was a lot of bullshit spammers and assholes so I guess they decided to do away with it.
That's probably about the time I showed up here.

Uhhhmmmm... compliments. Everyone is cool. Well, 99% of the people here either, that other 1% I won't mention any names. :spin:
Since I don't know anyone here, I guess I'll just compliment the board itself. I come by daily to read about what's going on, it gives me something to do. There seems to be quite a few cool people running around here.

Anyway, cheers!
Oh, wait! I forgot, that's something to compliment: Thales. I heard the old instrumental tracks a long time before I found this board, cool shit! The Finns are gaining serious power as a metal country lately.
It's really amazing how many people Rob knew. I didn't know him, but I was(am) in a band with one of his best friends, Jason Kramer (Nematocyst), and he played drums for another friend's band (Punisher), and he was in another band that I'm aquainted with (Severed Savior), and he just seemed to know everyone. RIP. :(