A couple of Vintage 30 questions....

Glenn Fricker

Very Metal &Very Bad News
Mar 6, 2005
22 Acacia Avenue
I'm just curious as to your impedance preferance for vintage 30s. 8 or 16 ohm speakers? In a 4X12, what impedance do you wire to?

Another question: does Marshall even load it's cabs with Vintage 30s anymore? I see they've got a "vinage" cab up there, but the speakers are rated for 70 watts... The celesion site says the vintage 30 is rated for 60watts.
Here's the link: http://professional.celestion.com/guitar/products/classic/spec.asp?ID=4
I'm a little confused about this one.

And, lastly, I've seen vintage 30s loaded into Crate, b-52, and Randall cabs.... does anyone have any preferences?
