A Couple Preproduction mixes (Doom/Death content)


Santa Hat Forever
Hey guys I'm posting here my two latest preproduction mixes for my band's upcoming full-length. These are programmed drums, ampsims and programmed keyboards with DSK plugins. The complete album will have real drums, real amps and good hardware keys and piano, but I'm using the preproductions as a bit of practice and checking how things would be in the real thing, trying different guitar tones, bass tones, etc. So anyways, let me know what you think about these two completely different mixes, and comments on the songwriting itself is more than welcome!

First song: "Silent The Night That Shelters Me" (Music and Lyrics by me and myself). Guitars are simulanalog's JCM900 and some TSE X30 also in some extra rhythms. Don't remember the lead tone

Second Song: "The Wind That Brings Life" (Music by my wife and me, lyrics by my wife). Guitars are all SoloC fullstack.
This one is still missing keyboards, and the vocals although IMO had a better performance than the first song, were recorded in the most terrible way ever imagined by man, so most of the time I had to drown them in reverbs to hell and back in a vain effort to disguise the shitty-ness, plus some surgical eqing was necessary to filter out most of the noise coming from the vocal tracks. Despite of the terrible vocals, I like this mix more than the first one.

To credit who is due, these recordings are all done by my wife and me, she does all guitars and I do everything else (bass, vocals, drum programming, keyboard programming, mixing), we have a full band but writing so far is always our task and then we just hand these preproductions to the rest of the guys so they can work on learning them.

So, watadaya think?
They sound very old school, reminds me of Paradise Lost. I'm no expert, but for me the mix could use:

- a better more "defined" snare
- more presence and low end, to sound more "modern"
- a smoother top. leads and clean guitars sound too harsh/dry

I liked the songs tough, is nice to hear that doom vibe so lost in todays music.
thanks a lot for the comments dude, and I can totally agree it needs some more low end, seems to be a recurring problem with me, it´s hard cause I´m mixing on headphones. About the Smoother tops, maybe you only heard the first song? cause I believe the second song has much "Smoother" guitars in general.

About the snare, well I seem to really like this one, but I appreciate all your comments!