A different mix - what do you think about this?


Who'r u calling a Junior?
Nov 11, 2003
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Ok, here's a mix of my prog/tech/jazz metal song. It's a bit different from most posts here - it's not down tuned, the bass is stealing lot of frequences from form guitar cause it's composed to play a big role in music, it has some jazz in it...

So is it really "different" or is it just crap? :)


Sorry for no download, but it's still work in progress and I don't want a hunderd version on my songs floating around (I happend with another band I played in).

PS I just opened my sound click band page, so it's not cleared yet (what ever it means) but it's seems that the streaming is working.

I know it's not a pro recording, but I was shooting for some Spiral Architect/Cynic vibe of the mix + a bit more groovy (cause the riff's are groovy).

Maybe I should post this on Neal Kernon's forum.
Goddamn Guitar said:
Ever heard of Spiral Architect? I feel the same vibe as when listening to them.
Good job!

Then my work here is done. :lol: Exept, I have to record it better so I can compare to them- the song is a bitch to play.

If I can only make a guitar sound more homogeneous. Other then that I'm really satisfied with it since it a Digitech tonedriver pedal into gt-6 for a cab modeling.
Cool track, I dig the bass tone alot. What strings, pickups, DI were used?

The Piano sounds kinda crappy. I'd mix it a little lower with a bigger, more open verb unless you can find some better samples.

Anyway, cool tune. listened to it twice :rock:
I can't listen to much Spiral Architect myself, but I love Cynic. I like the clip, the bass just sounds a little 'nyyeee' to me in the beginning bits, a little too fusion-y, but it fits in pretty quickly after that.

I can see the Cynic comparison a lot more easily than Dream Theater, it reminds me a lot of the instrumental track from Focus - apart from the piano, maybe finding a patch similar to what they used on their guitar synths could help.


For the bass? It's Trilogy VST.

I've been using that crapy piano for years and totally got used to it. Thanx for reminding me to change it - I can surely find some free samples that are better then this one.

Glad to hear you dig the tune. I have tons of riffs but I need countless hours to arrange a song to sound like good and not overdone.


I was in dilemma - to mix the biginning differently or not. It sounds odd - compressed metal drum set playing jazz, but it's part of the song, not just some jazz attached to it, so I left like that.