A father's proudest moment...

Very nice!! I know I'd be proud in the same situation.

My son HATES metal at the moment, but he is 4. He only listens to it when he gets a hold of my mp3 player, not that he likes the music, he just doesnt want to give up the mp3 player.

Maybe their tastes change and end up hating what their parents like later (always the case), but on the other hand, maybe these early experiences can teach them to appreciate technical skill and increase their ear for music so it can never be a bad thing.
You know, that would be like, the only reason I'd want to have a kid... to make him listen to prog.


Man that kid would be screwed up.
Soul of Ice said:
You do realize most children originally like what their parents play because they want to be just like them. Then later they change just to be not like them (At least in my case and a lot of other people I know).

I remember my first album I bought was some Beach Boys stuff. *shudders*

Doesn't always work that way...I started out on classical music which I don't think either of my parents had an interest in to begin with, but they figured out that it kept my attention. Then I moved into classic rock--because my dad used to listen to a lot of that stuff. Unfortunately he's not into it as much anymore, and in SOME ways I've been trying to move away from the mundane stuff he's into now, but I can tell you that he did make a lasting impression on me with the music of his youth. I see myself as trying to carry on the tradition that he (for the most part) has abandoned.

And they say the younger generations are always the more liberal. ;)
I can imagine seeing a picture of a little kid holding a V CD and putting in the stereo with a big smile on his face. :D

Awwww....so cute.
Djm said:
I can imagine seeing a picture of a little kid holding a V CD and putting in the stereo with a big smile on his face. :D

Awwww....so cute.
Then he takes it to kindergarten and just as the class is ready for their nap time, he puts it in the boombox and cranks it up to ten. They all jump and headbang. What a scene it is.
RISE MY MINIONS !!!!!!!!! :rock:
My 4 year old daughter is a huge fan of SymX, has been for almost 2 years now :grin: I remember when the odyssey was released she wanted to listen to that cd everywhere, in the car and at home. She fell in love with Wicked and the first thing she sang in english was "buuuuurn fooreeeveeer" and that was loud!

She has been a metalhead almost all her life, she loves Edguy, Nightwish, Gamma Ray, Iron Maiden (when she's watching their dvd's she even plays the air guitar :tickled: ) and many others, we'll see how long it lasts.
Well, I have 3 electrics, an acoustic, and a fretless bass. He gets to play on one of the electrics (the one he snapped the neck on when he was 3 or 4; but has since been repaired) and the acoustic. :)

My daughter (who I caught playing my old Iron Maiden tapes this last weekend) had a chance to join the school band this year. She started out wanting to play the drums (YES!) but then backed out of it. I was hoping she'd go for it so that I'd HAVE to buy a sweet drum set (which my wife has otherwise forbidden).
i've always let my daughter listen to whatever she wants... unlike my parents who wouldnt let me listen to anything. fortunately for me, my uncle (who is only 9 yrs older than me) was right into the beatles when i was little, so i would go to my grandmothers and play his records. i swore i would never suppress any of my kids musical tastes... and i didnt... i suffered through a couple of years of the spice girls and hansen... and as she got older her tastes definitely improved, although i cant get her interested in prog at all. at least she is a metal-head, just like her mum and stepdad. :) :)
When my fiancé and I decide to have kids, we decided *already :muahaha: * we're gonna get him/her since the beggining into metal, but mixing it with classical music ...

But in the worst case (s)he doesn't like metal, we will support him/her as well...

but I hope (s)he does the same as yours :p
Fossil Records said:
Well, I have 3 electrics, an acoustic, and a fretless bass. He gets to play on one of the electrics (the one he snapped the neck on when he was 3 or 4; but has since been repaired) and the acoustic. :)

My daughter (who I caught playing my old Iron Maiden tapes this last weekend) had a chance to join the school band this year. She started out wanting to play the drums (YES!) but then backed out of it. I was hoping she'd go for it so that I'd HAVE to buy a sweet drum set (which my wife has otherwise forbidden).

OH thats great man, try to convince your wife, tell her to pick up the bass, so you all can get together and play some tunes... :Spin:

The family reunions will be much more fun :grin:
Ricardo_Christyan said:
OH thats great man, try to convince your wife, tell her to pick up the bass, so you all can get together and play some tunes... :Spin:

The family reunions will be much more fun :grin:
...And now, grandpa is going to play some Michael Angelo :grin:
Fossil Records said:
The wife and I brought a new stereo home and set it up in the boy's room today. He's seven years old. Now, the geniuses that my wife and I are, we forgot to bring any CDs home for him to play in his brand new stereo. So I told him he could go down to the studio and pick any CD he wanted to listen to (I have a couple of hundred).

He picked Symphony X's V.

That's my boy... [wipes tear from eye]


Awesome! My boy last week who is 15 months old was doing his little dance to "Accept - Balls to the wall". :rock:
my parents never listened to music so i changed a lot growing up. first the new kids on the block ( :yell: i cant believe it but i was like 1-2), then it was michel jackson (pre-child molesting charges), then country (maybe a year or 2) then rap ( :Puke: ) then finally METAL :rock: and it was about time. there was a few years where there was slience but yea.