A few Pics


New Metal Member
Sep 13, 2008
Saskatoon, Canada
the concert was fantastic but the Pics I took didnt turned out. However , my son and his friend went to the event centre after school hoping to catch the band going in early. They went aroud to the alley just as they came out for a smoke so they had a nice chat.
Thought I would share the pics they took

I've been looking for that shirt all over, can only find crappy ones though ... I would love one of those, especially since my girlfriend is Romanian and has the same accent as Dracula in the movie with Gary Oldman :)
Mendez is now lookin more like John Petrucci. i just hope that hair grows fast enough before JP starts bitchin about copyright violations or something.
For my money, Bass still looks like Charlie Day from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.
Ive seen Mikey in that shirt like in 10 dfferent pics....all from different shows...maybe he loves that shirt a lot....hahhaa.....PEAC EOUT