a few quesons about WAVES plugins


Feb 18, 2008
hey guys,

i am watching the audio deluxe waves sale for a few
days now and i am thinking about buying a few plugins...

it's been a while but i've read some not so positive
things about waves company so i always kinda ignored their stuff...

one example:

waves forced users to PAY for updates, dafuq is this true!?

i'd also like to know:

what copy protection do the waves plugins use!?

are theere 64bit versions of the plugins available!?

what do you think about these plugins in general?

- Waves Bassrider
- Waves C6 Multiband Compressor


i see there is some sort of livense manager tool, so no ilok needed. well i'll actually prefer ilok,
is there a way still to use ilok for copy protection!?
No idea baout the updates, but if I remember right, people who bought the mercury package got the upgrade from c4 to c6 for free.

No idea about the copy protection beyond serial numbers and registering and stuff

Yeah they work in 64 bit.

No experience with the bassrider, but the c6 is great, End up using it on the majority of mixes I do
- They don't fore you to update but after a year you wont get upgrades for free
- They ditched the ilok a couple of months ago.
- No 64bit i belive

Some plugins are awesome, CLA pack, SSL and i really like their Tape plugin for delays. And then the two you mentioned. Bassrider is so freakin awesome can make your basstrack look like a compressed fart with just automation which means less compression. So controlled and even bass tone without compressing the fuck out of it. I couldn't mix without the C4 (c6 without the 2extra bands) such an awesome tool to tame various sources without making them sound compressed.

And i like their 2500 to. I use both the SSL buscompressor and the 2500 on my masterbus these days. Works great!!!
^they work fine with the 64 bit bridge in logic, maybe i'm just getting confused :(

But yeah, massive +1 on the cla and ssl packs, I'm not sure what i'd do without the ssl buscompressor and channel strips
thanks for the info guys! :)

not being able to get updates after a year has passed is ridiculously stupid, or does this count for UPGRADES!?
like if i buy Waves Hustler V1. and then 13 months later Waves Hustler V2 is released, i do not get it for free...
thanks for the info guys! :)

not being able to get updates after a year has passed is ridiculously stupid, or does this count for UPGRADES!?
like if i buy Waves Hustler V1. and then 13 months later Waves Hustler V2 is released, i do not get it for free...

Well it sucks with the whole upgrade thing especially when the AAX is on the horizon. And yeah update is the same as upgrades in this case. Don't think they ever done a revision of something they already released though. The c6 counts as a new plugin not as an upgrade.
still this is absolutely ridiculous IMHO :lol:

any alternatives!?
i am specially looking for a MBC and something that works like bassrider...
Waves V9 released 64 bit VST support and got rid of the iLok. You can still authorize via a flashdrive, if you're moving o different systems a lot, but I'm pretty sure you can authorize multiple computers with the license center.

Yes, you'll have to pay to upgrade after a year, by buying the Waves Update Plan for your plugins. No ones forcing you to do it, though. There's usually very little changed between updates, V9 has been the most significant in years. Unless you're using Pro Tools and absolutely need AAX, because you're going to upgrade to PT11 the moment its released, I wouldn't really worry about it.
hey guys,

i am watching the audio deluxe waves sale for a few
days now and i am thinking about buying a few plugins...

it's been a while but i've read some not so positive
things about waves company so i always kinda ignored their stuff...

one example:

waves forced users to PAY for updates, dafuq is this true!?

i'd also like to know:

what copy protection do the waves plugins use!?

are theere 64bit versions of the plugins available!?

what do you think about these plugins in general?

- Waves Bassrider
- Waves C6 Multiband Compressor


i see there is some sort of livense manager tool, so no ilok needed. well i'll actually prefer ilok,
is there a way still to use ilok for copy protection!?

- Yes you need to have the waves update plan to be able to update. It was a big deal when iLok was the only licensing available since they wouldn't give you a new serial number for your new ilok when you lost it, unless you bought their plan. FYI it's limited to something like 250ish euros, so for someone who has Waves Mercury, it would be acceptable considering you get all the new plugs, updates, for the duration of the plan (which is one or one year and a half long). In my case, where I have like 4/5 plugs, the amount would be 150/200 and it's difficult to accept to pay that much just to update the plugs to V9, while they in essence didn't even change from V8.
Just in case you didn't notice it, once you buy a plug, it's automatically covered for updates for like 12 months (not sure about it). It's only once this time is passed that you absolutely need to pay for a possible update.
- Now they have ilok AND cloud licensing. The cloud licensing is nicer if you don't move between several computers. The ilok stays practical otherwise, but I see myself upgrade to V9 at some point to have all my plugins V9 and in case I have whatever problem, my license aren't lost, and stored with my cloud account (you would say, like any normal company ?)
- I think so, 64bit now
- I think they are great, maybe not always the best of their category for each of them, but you cannot really go wrong with most of them IMO. CLA / SSL are the typical goto plugins
- Love bassrider, you might need to tweak a little after its first passage (if printed) but it already does 99% of the job nicely
- Can't say, I think it's reputed for being transparent but I'm no expert
And Sonnox too.
Unfortunately plugin development, especially rewriting for a new format (aax) isn't free.

to be fair, writing for a new format I can understand

its when they make small GUI changes or small updates to improve performance when a DAW in updated a bit that gets me a little

I already overpaid for my McDSP plugins as it is ... year & half later they wanna charge me like $50 a plugin for updated GUI's and slightly enhanced performance, maybe 1 small additional thing here or there ... sorry, no want
Using the bridge in Logic is getting a little annoying. Are you guys saying that updating won't fix this? For some reason I was under the impression that AAX was 64 bit equivalent, or is this only for Pro Tools?
Using the bridge in Logic is getting a little annoying. Are you guys saying that updating won't fix this? For some reason I was under the impression that AAX was 64 bit equivalent, or is this only for Pro Tools?

Waves V9 will run 64 bit AU in Logic just fine, no bridge needed.

AAX is the 64 bit Pro Tools plugin.
Waves has amazing plugins. I was first tempted to buy the studio classics bundle last year, but after a trial period I only really like the API Bundle. I now have the CLA Classic Compressors which are really amazing.
Previous to that I already had the Renaissance Reverb and the DeEsser. Once you buy the license you can upgrade for a complete year after it for free.

I bought an USB flash drive to store my WLC (Waves License Center) data on. I think it works really well. I guess they did this to overcome the obstacle for people who didn't want to buy because of the iLok, that actually never was a problem for me.

If your plugins still work with your DAW, and future release you can keep using the current version of Waves. But say, if your DAW upgrades and doesn't support the plugins anymore, you also need a Waves update. At any moment you can step in and upgrade through their plan, which is I think $200 for one year, so it really pays having more of their plugins eventually. I'm satisfied with the V9 versions and as long as Cubase is happy with them I don't see the need to upgrade.
Things that software companies do that drive me insane:

1. licence center type applications (like native instruments for example). Fucking internet, how does it work? Oh wait you still need that as well.

2. Cloud. Fuck the cloud, you give me a serial, question response, unlock file, or ilok. Everything else can fuck right off.

3. Wavshell, I don't know why it bugs me but it does. The fuck do I need your proprietary wrapper to use your plugs for. C1.vst or C1.dll like everyone else please.

4. Upgrade costs when very little if anything significant has changed.

5. Separate insurance. Why (I know they went to the cloud shit) did waves charge a separate fee over the ilok protection shit?

6. Require the new ilok 2, but doesn't include it (sorry slate, this fucking drives me up a wall).

7. Bugs that never get fixed, I don't really have anyone in particular that I was thinking about on this one but I really hate that cubase will crash when I do certain things even to this day.

Dumb, I still refuse to own anything made by waves.