A few questions...

May 27, 2002
I am new to this board, and I wondering what the people here think about Nevermore's future direction musically. Would you want them to continue in the style, yet still different, of Dead Heart... or go back to something like Politics? Also, I have a Seismic Radio show that plays Nevermore and the link, is it cool if I promote here, if not, that is cool too, thanks.
1. personally PoE is my fave Nevermore album and i didn'T like the seven string guitars on DHIADW that much. the worst case would be if the dudes would record a cd once again. so i want progression!!!

yea, promote your shit here....

and before i forgot that!!:

well im all for pregression. hopefully they'll progress back towards POE and DNB, instead of further going down the ole dead heart crapper. i mean i really like dead heart but it fucking pales in comparison to their earlier work. and 7 strings are really cool if used properly. im a fan of the B string when not used for simplistic nu type things. theres a lot of good metal bands out there with a low B.
think that they should do more killer tracks like Dreaming Neon Black and Narcosynthesis. Now, I want them to be different the those of course, but I feel that Nevermore is best when he is clean singing (Warrel's clean singing mind you) and the music has some well though out riffs. The solo in the beginning of narcosynthesis is short, but something loomis should do more often riff wise. We will see :).
according to what warrel was saying a few months ago will be one of their heavier stuff...But not complex...

I like the first thing (heavier...)
I hate the second (not complex...)