A fine day to exit appreciation thread?

i agree it is one of my favorite albums, Temporary Peace puts it up there on my list, but i wouldnt say judgement is over rated, sure a lot of people like it / its their favorite - but that is not credit undeserved, its just that it packed with top notch quality tracks, its a very powerful album, theres something about it that for many ppl puts it ahead on their list of faves. but like i said i lurrvvvee a fine day too ;)
I prefer Judgement compared to AFDTE on the whole. But there are very nice tracks on the latter, and especially Temporary Peace which is one of Anathema's best songs ever. It's just my humble opinion, it depends on everybody's tastes anyway.
all the tracks danny did on 'a fine day to exit' are just fucking amazing, especially 'release'.
mehdi.i.e.e.e said:
all the tracks danny did on 'a fine day to exit' are just fucking amazing, especially 'release'.

Release is actually my second favourite track on AFDTE after Temporary Peace. I agree with you, Danny's songs on AFDTE are the best (except Barriers for me). Though Vinny's ' Leave no Trace ' is a belter too !
Allan said:
Attracks? Is that some super modern combo of attacks and attracts Raf? :p .

Yeah.... I'm never preforming at 100%, as if I'm running MS Windows in my brain :ill:

I knew it was wrong, but I couldn't come to the word so I just didn't care and posted :cool:
cedarbreed said:
Release is actually my second favourite track on AFDTE after Temporary Peace. I agree with you, Danny's songs on AFDTE are the best (except Barriers for me). Though Vinny's ' Leave no Trace ' is a belter too !
;) Release is one hell of a track, and i have to say i fooking love barriers - its a really good album all in all - i think i may take it to work with me today - dont tell the boss...
and rafael mixing words to invent new ones is what ...umm....life's about - yeah.......a particular fave of mine is 'shatting' - which i have given the meaning 'chatting shit' .....rather effective and has comic value ;)