A French nightmare...

Nightmare Theater

New Metal Member
Dec 11, 2006
Lyon, France
Hello everibody,

Fi(r)st of all, sorry for the orthography, I'm french and not brilliant english speaker (and writter, of course).

I don't know what to say about me... For exemple, I love this smiley :danceboy: because I find it so evil.

I love metal music since Metropolis Pt.2 by DREAM THEATER (I was twelve) and my playlist is, for the moment,

"Reroute To Remain"-IN FLAMES
"Ghost Reveries"-OPETH
"The Link Alive"-GOJIRA
"Rossz Csillag Alatt Született "-VENETIAN SNARE
"Break Like The Wind"-SPINAL TAP

To finish, I want to say it is the first time I lose my time on a forum in Sheakspear Language. I hope to enjoy it ^^.
Hello :)
I'm new as well, just joined today.
Excellent choice in having "Reroute to Remain" on your play list:D