A Glow of Red


Dragon of the Aesir
Mar 3, 2002
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Bubbling up through the pores of my mind
I see a little red glow
Never to wonder of what evil it brings
Nor where it might grow
Silenced voices of rotting
Smells disapating under the Moon of Fate
This glow to know what creatures I make
Within my ever churning mind

Can't decide what parent births this engima
Me, mind, or other?
As my hand reaches out for a touch
This glow does dim as if to say, "don't bother"
Eternal thought, a web I'm caught in
"Don't fear me" it flickers
Once more I'm drawn to it
But the feedback I get is none but snickers
Laughter and jeer

What land o'er yore at the horizen does sing?
From what dimension or world does it comes from?
And to decide it's substance from afar
Matter or shadow? Pain or numb?
Other worldly, far beyond reality
Magickal in the senses, in fabercations of the mind
Releasing light of red memory
So I cease to find
Answers to questions unspoken
And so in a moment's slain
This light vanishes without rhyme nor reason to be
Without cause to worry or pange of distain