One is part of a quality underground metal band- yet want to become popular. How?

:rolleyes: speed, stuff like getting a major record deal and such is almost impossible. Buuut, to improve your chances (from say 1 to a billion to maybe 2 to a billion), I'd say try and become close friends with already growing bands who are on their way to becoming famous. That way, you can always ask for a little stage-time during tour.

Also, you might want to start out small by playing in bars and meetings, gatherings. Just let the public know that this band actually exist. Oh, and if you do get noticed, make sure you always have a CD demo of your band in handy. Compete in competitions and make sure you really make your band heard in this world. ;) Good luck dude. And when you are rich and famous, remember me and maybe spare 5 mins for an amatuer player to be on stage...? :p
I agree with everyone here really. However, I think that being in a metal band is not primarily about being Limp Bizkit popular. It's about the music, the lifestyle, the point you want to get across. Or am I living in an ideal metal world here??

My advice as many gigs as possible, preferrably as a support for good bands. Get reviews wherever you can. As someone mentioned, build the contacts...with webzines, gig promoters, other bands, metal people in general. The more you mention your band everywhere the more people will remember it.
These points affect your chances:
1. Quality of music
2. Label
3. Accessibility of music
4. Amount of magazines/websites/etc that have heard/reviewed it
5. Description in adverts etc - captivating and interesting?
speed said:
Let me add something to that last sentence- how does the band go about becoming as popular as say Disturbed or Linkin Park?

without sacrificing their talent- and musical integrity.
Slow down the speed of the music, have clean vocals, and write stupid lyrics about relationships.

I think that it is impossible in this day and age.

Ten years ago, it happened all the time. Now...well, I mean, most of my fave bands are popular bands already(and still not very much), but as far as underground, it's not possible.
You don't have to. Some bands do get somewhat popular through word of mouth or touring. Like Slipknot before Iowa came out, or Snot, or Sevendust(true road dogs, they are).
speed said:
I am glad someone resurrected this thread.

The question I have is what underground band has the best shot of making it?
Bands that have a good shot of ''making'' it:

In Flames

But still I don't think these bands are MTV material, like let's say Linkin Park or P.O.D. I think it's quite stupid of you (i'm generalizing here) to play metal and try to make it to the big show. Whoever wants to be a rockstar should go through the easy way, playing pop or generic rock.
Sell your house. You can use the money for promotion and covering shortfalls when touring, and your going to be living in your tour van anyway. Things like Easter and Christmas stop being holidays,they become times when people have a lot of free time and are more likely to come to your show.

Make as many friends as possible - bands, reviewers, journos, label guys, and hope some are friendly enough to you to promote you, sign you or like. Send your cd to as many review sites and magazines as possible. Keep it in your sig at all times, promote your bands at all times. Constantly shove the product down people's throats and hope.

In 10 years time, you might have got to where In Flames are today provided you have songwriting ability by the bucketload.
