How to put a roster together

Congratulations on the awesome line up this year Glenn!

I think this year above all others (except maybe PP I) you've really "appealed to a mass audience without losing a niche as well". Not that past festivals have been good either, but this year you managed to geta lineup that not polarize any genre within the festival. Congrats for an awesome line up like always, and above all thanks!
Jim LotFP said:
But saying that my woohoo! pics don't make business sense is not accurate. They all get the "huh?" reaction, then people see them, then people realize I was right. But by then my next pick is making them go "huh?" so they forget that I'm right.

But the bottom line is, I'm right. :p :p :p

Jim, you newly-nuptualized bastard, you know I was kiddin'! :tickled:

--Mostly. :p
Daybreaker said:

If I ever come across a large sum of money in the next few years (dont ask me how maybe I'll get lucky on a scratch off lotto) I will fly Pretty Maids to play in my damn backyard. And foot the bill for you too.

Hoorah for Pretty Maids fans.

What backyard would this be? If your apartments have a pool they could play there.