A good Fretless bass? Steve or someone I need help.


New Metal Member
Oct 28, 2003
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I've played bass for about 6 years now and I want to get a fretless because I just love their sound, but I don't know much about them, so please help me choose a bass. I want a six or five string fretless and I have about 1200 dollars to spend on it.

gary willis series of ibanez
That´s what I was going to tell ya. These basses are the way to go. Extremelly good: Good wood, good construction, good pickups (bartolini), good hardware. I wish I had one.

Well, I wish I had a BC Rich too, so I could take out the frets and make a fucking Fretless Warlock. It should rock so much...
If you have too much money, get one of those Kubicki Factor basses (Sean Malone with Cynic, also heard on the Spiral Architect album)...
I've got my own fretless five from Lefay Basses. It's one of the best manufacturers here in Germany, so I guess that's nothing for people from more distant countries...This guy "Wyzard" guy from this Funkrockband plays one, though (I forgot their name - something with "Mother"...)
This is something that someone can't really answer to satisfy your need. I mean I could tell you that the fretless I use, like the Carvin is a fully made-to-order company with a money back guaratee that you should be able to keep under you budget of 1200. And then the ESP fretlesses I use are not expensive, even the custom made ones. But I mean how am I supposed to know that you'll feel comforatble on either of these? How did you pick out the bass you already have? You should use the same logic when you want to find a fretless, it's just a bass afterall. What is right for some players might not be right for you. I know that's a pretty vague way to steer you in, but the best I can say is to just try out different models and you'll know when you find something you can live with.

Or, take someone else's recommondations and hope it's the right choice.