A GOOD Uwe Boll film?

Dead Winter

Apr 30, 2002
Been reading all over the place about this film and still haven't heard a bad thing about it. Not only haven't I heard anything bad about it, but everyone's been raving about how great it is and how much of a shock it is that Boll actually made this film, considering his other films. I think I'll check it out.

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May be a trick. I actually sat through an Uwe Boll film that looked good. (Some crap with Jason Statham). Naturally, it sucked.
Been reading all over the place about this film and still haven't heard a bad thing about it. Not only haven't I heard anything bad about it, but everyone's been raving about how great it is and how much of a shock it is that Boll actually made this film, considering his other films. I think I'll check it out.


creepy, i'm downloading right now, really looking forward, but megaupload is being a bitch. 6%
just finished it, plot was pretty much what the trailer shows, the ending was kinda good. The direction was awful, bad acting too, maybe except for the protagonist. 5/10
watched it last night prob a 6/10, didn't seem like it directed by Uwe Boll but also didn't seem like it was directed by a good director either. dragged on for too long in some places, he dragged out the rampage scene just for the hell of it and when he was suiting up was too long and preachy too. i was afraid halfway through that it was just going to show him gunning people down for the rest of the movie but it ended up having some plot by the end.
I saw on IMDB that Uwe Boll also made a film called "Darfur" in 2009. It´s about a group of western journalists who goes to the Darfur region in South Sudan to report about the genocide taking place over there. Then they face a dilemma about whether to go back and report on what they have seen, or stay in Darfur and help the victims over there. Now, I think it´s very good that filmmakers in the west are making a movie about a pressing contemporary issue such as this (even though the filmmaker in question is that infamous Uwe Boll), especially since the genocide does not get a lot of coverage in the media. If this film helps to raise awareness about the atrocities being committed by the Sudanese government (and the Janjaweed militia) in Darfur that is in itself excellent. However, that doesn´t mean that the film itself is good. Uwe Boll is most likely to have made a sappy, sentimental drivel out of this material. Has anyone seen this?
You´re right. I guess my prejudices against mainstream/commercial cinema got the best of me:oops: According to some reviews I´ve read on this "Darfur" film it´s quite realistic, and they have some survivors from the region playing in the film. I´ve never seen a whole Uwe Boll film, just the beginning of "BloodRayne" and "House of the dead".