The Poughkeepsie Tapes

Dead Winter

Apr 30, 2002
I've heard a few things about this film and everyone seems to say, "OMG IT'S THE CREEPIEST THING EVAR!!!", but to me there hasn't been anything really creepy since the Exorcist, and that was just because it was so old. The ending to REC was pretty creepy but not enough to make me want to watch it again and vomit. I really can't stand shaky camera movies.

Anyone seen this film? Any comments about it? Is it really good and creepy or is it just more Hollywood bullshit?

I didn't see it, but I think it got some decent reviews. I'm not sure movies really can be genuinely creepy any more, can they?
I remember seeing loads of trailers everywhere for it last year or whenever when it was supposed to have a theatrical release, but then I read it was getting terrible reviews from all the screenings, and then it mysteriously vanished. I don't know if it was ever released to theaters in the US. I've never seen anything about a DVD release either.
Great reviews in the press, but everyone I know who went to see it, and that was a lot of people because EVERYONE went to see it (except me :cool:), said it was hilariously bad.
Just watched it, it's pretty great. If you don't like the blair witch type of movies that don't rely on built up scene by scene moments, you probably won't like it. But it plays on a pretty strong psychological element and that's what makes it pretty scary to watch.
PA was not so bad, but the lazy ass marketing and release schedule made it clear to anyone with a brain what they were doing with it. By the time I finally got to see it, I couldn't stop thinking about how cynically it had been made and plotted for release.

Pretty much the opposite of scary.
Well the gimmicky and cynical marketing was my main suspicion over it. That and the amount of crap that passes for "horror" these days.

Just watched it, it's pretty great. If you don't like the blair witch type of movies that don't rely on built up scene by scene moments

Nah, I do. Granted I was probably 12 when I first saw Blair Witch, on my own.
And then The Fourth Kind came out and took that gimmick even further, and made it into some sort of joke.

Man, that movie was terrible!