A Good Way To Hear All The PPUSA bands


the ProgPower DONKEY!!:D
Jul 25, 2002
Griffin, GA
This was on the PM board
"Just a reminder that the Mistress of Metal show on Seismic Radio tonight is going to be over 3 hours of "kick off to getting pumped about PPUSA IV" show...
There will be at least 3, and in some cases 4, songs played from every band appearing in September.
Where applicable, I will be playing from different albums of each artist. I will not be playing anything from Rage's Lingua Mortis era, since i don't expect they will be bringing the orchestra with them...:)
You will be hearing (not in this order):
Vanden Plas
Symphony X
Pagan's Mind
Secret Sphere
Circle II Circle
All this starts at 8PM Eastern tonight. Of course i hope you will join us in the IRC chat channel, as well. "
The link to Seismic Radio is http://www.seismicradio.com/
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I look forward to seeing you guys there!...and for anyone else reading this post,
Glenn Harveston will be in the Seismic IRC chat channel about an hour into the show, to field any PPUSA questions or just talk about whatever you want to talk about regarding the event...
Should be a fun show!
Mephistopheles said:
My sound was broken! Is there any chance this show will be archived?

Damn!...i am sorry....i just never archive shows cos the file for 3 hours of broadcast is HUGE...
If there were any particular bands you wanted to get familiar with, you are welcome to come to my show any Sunday and make a request for them...I will make sure I play em for you.
Hope to see you in the seismic IRC chat channel after your sound gets fixed!
Great show Teri last night! You played some incredible stuff from all the bands...I am really pumped from what I heard of CIIC and Secret Sphere they are going be great to hear live. Pagans Mind(which I've heard of a lot more recently), Redemption and Mercenary all sound good (still trying to adjust to the Mercenary vocals but the band is very tight). I was never really into Rage but I can see why a lot of people are amped for these guys! :)

As it stands right now, if there studio stuff is anything like their live stuff CIIC and Secret Sphere will have a bunch of new fans!

Also, a big thanks to Glenn for coming and joining us for the chat session. I think you did a great job fielding all the questions and answering them. Even my stupid ass one about Shadow Gallery! ;)

Cheers! -Antonio (aka WarmWetOs)
Soul_Schizm said:
I said it last night in seismic chat, but it bears repeating for all who weren't there. Redemption has one of the best sounding demos I've ever heard. I'm definitely psyched for them.

Secret Sphere and C2C were very impressive as well.


Fuck yeah! Redemption rocks! :) I totaly agree with you Soul. That had to be one of the best demos I have heard in a long time...sometimes it can be a double edge sword...I just hope they don't take some of the raw power from it by over mixing the damn tracks...just fine tune a few things here and there and the songs will sound great! :)