A Great Divide - Available for pre-order

I've got mine ordered. I didn't even know Lance King even owned a record label. You're in good company!

I can't wait to hear the entire album!
as soon as i saw the bulletin on myspace, i ordered the album. it's out in less than two weeks, and i can't wait.

i love you guys
What is delayed? The new Suspyre album? I sure hope not, I've been looking forward to the release in a few days.

I just went and checked the Nightmare records site and there are 2 listings for the album, the Nov 21st and Jan. 23rd. Is it the artwork causing the delay?
Wow...I was never informed that it was really going to be delayed that long. The artist told us he'd have the artwork done in August; it's more than halfway through November and it was just recently finished. Now we're waiting on receiving the final draft and getting the liner notes all situated. That's honestly very frustrating, but there is nothing we could have done about it. I thought the delay would only get the release back a few days, not two months, as it is still not November 21st and it's practically done.
Sorry about that. If it's not out by the end of the year we will post some stuff online for download to help satiate your appetite.
Well delays are delays and I suppose they can't be avoided sometimes. Looking forward to some new samples. Also hoping this new album will get you guys some major consideration for the main stage at ProgPower.
nooo! i was looking forward to listening to April in the fall along with your other amazing tracks on your new CD!

my life is tempoarily ruined!

I've waited for great things before, and i can do it again. plus the silvery image is enough to keep me entertained untill january ^.^
Wow...I was never informed that it was really going to be delayed that long. The artist told us he'd have the artwork done in August; it's more than halfway through November and it was just recently finished.

i think i speak for quite a number of people when i say that whoever is this "artist" is one lazy **** >,<

come on...you're suspyre! you deserve some kickass art by a kickass artist! not a lazy procrastinating one that says "you'll have it by August!" then...months after...

nada o_O;
I see the new artwork on Myspace, do you have a high res jpeg for download or whatever, it looks pretty sweet but it's so small on myspace.
I see the new artwork on Myspace, do you have a high res jpeg for download or whatever, it looks pretty sweet but it's so small on myspace.

That's a good question because I don't have one either. I am hopefully going to go see the other guys this weekend...so I will do my best to see if I can get a nice big copy of it posted to the official website. Then I will put the link up here as well. I can't promise it because I don't know if they have it either but I will check into it for you.
