Pre-Orders now available for The Silvery Image: Special Edition

I'm sure the cost of all new artwork would have been too much for the band to take on at this time but I think some way of identifying this as a special edition would have been good to see. Maybe somewhere on the cover or with a slightly different color scheme or shading. You know, differentiate it from original. Lyrics would have been cool, too. But like I said the cost probably would have been too much.

Obviously the back cover is new since it shows Crimson Shade as the 13th track and it also says "this edition (C) 2008". If I am not mistaken the disc itself is slightly different than the original as well.

Regardless, I am thrilled to have it and to support the band in this way. The new old song kicks ass. Thanks for releasing it.

I too, wanted the lyrics in the booklet. But, you guessed it; it would have been too expensive/a pain to arrange. So, we just changed the back cover so it has the song title. The duplication plant also left off the barcode, if you noticed that, heh.
Just got the reissue and the additional song is great. Is it a leftover or a new song?

Here's the description of it from the Myspace:
"-Crimson Shade (composed ’04, recorded ’07, Music: Rossetti, Lyrics: Barton): Scored for 6-string guitars, bass, drum set, vocals, MIDI orchestra (strings), SATB choir (MIDI). This track is a bonus track off of The Silvery Image 2008 edition. Originally, it was written on a commission by ex-bassist Kirk, who "challenged" Gregg to write a song all in 4/4 time without changing keys, except for a few accidentals in the bridge. Interesting facts: Most of the guitars were recorded on a Gibson ES-333 semi-hollow body, and the drums are programmed."

So you can see, it's an old song; I wrote it February 29th, 2004, so it just officially had its fourth birthday. When we were picking the songs for "The Silvery Image," this one didn't make it, mostly because there were no lyrics at the time. When Clay sends me lyrics, I always try to see if any of them fit to something I've already written before starting something new. These lyrics just happened to fit this song with very few edits.

"When Time Fades..." has stories like this, too. Some of the songs are "leftovers" from 2003/2004, that were just too progressive/difficult for us at the time, or simply were lyric-less.
Here's the description of it from the Myspace:
"-Crimson Shade (composed ’04, recorded ’07, Music: Rossetti, Lyrics: Barton): Scored for 6-string guitars, bass, drum set, vocals, MIDI orchestra (strings), SATB choir (MIDI). This track is a bonus track off of The Silvery Image 2008 edition. Originally, it was written on a commission by ex-bassist Kirk, who "challenged" Gregg to write a song all in 4/4 time without changing keys, except for a few accidentals in the bridge. Interesting facts: Most of the guitars were recorded on a Gibson ES-333 semi-hollow body, and the drums are programmed."

So you can see, it's an old song; I wrote it February 29th, 2004, so it just officially had its fourth birthday. When we were picking the songs for "The Silvery Image," this one didn't make it, mostly because there were no lyrics at the time. When Clay sends me lyrics, I always try to see if any of them fit to something I've already written before starting something new. These lyrics just happened to fit this song with very few edits.

"When Time Fades..." has stories like this, too. Some of the songs are "leftovers" from 2003/2004, that were just too progressive/difficult for us at the time, or simply were lyric-less.
Coolness. I never check MySpace for info like this. Bands are getting rid of their websites and keeping only MySpace pages; then you go there and you can't even find info about past albums, songs, where to order albums, etc. It's a pain. Good to see you guys giving a little more to the fans through that (evil) site. Haha.

Looking forward to the new album! :rock:
nice... and guys, don't stop your cd-player when the last song ends :goggly:
Ha! I gotta go listen to that; I forgot about it. The first time I heard it I was at work. Me and my co-worker were standing around talking, so I wasn't even aware that my music had stopped. Then we start hearing voices, all quiet. We were looking around, looking out the windows, going "Who the hell is that?" Haha. Then it ended and shuffled to another song. Frickin' hidden tracks. :lol:
Ha! I gotta go listen to that; I forgot about it. The first time I heard it I was at work. Me and my co-worker were standing around talking, so I wasn't even aware that my music had stopped. Then we start hearing voices, all quiet. We were looking around, looking out the windows, going "Who the hell is that?" Haha. Then it ended and shuffled to another song. Frickin' hidden tracks. :lol:

I'm glad that we could totally freak you out for a minute or two. :)
I had something similar happen to me when I first got a Dream Theater fan club CD many years ago. They isolated some of the sounds from Home and made them a separate track. One day at work I was listening to that kinda loudly with headphones on and a coworker came to my desk at the wrong time and I jumped when he knocked on my wall. Scared the crap outta me.
first time listening to devin townsend's "things beyond things" did that to me too

that wail at the end of the song is just ridiculous