a HUGE step thowards understanding between arabs and jews OT


Orphaned Avi (not drumer)
Sep 18, 2002
Khaled Mahmid, an israel-arab lawyer from nazareth, has opened an institute for Holocaust studies for the arab people.

I know that for most of us this site is unuseful due to the language, but for my arab brothers here, its a Rare look onto the history of the jewish people. This is probably the first time arab people gets to study this issue closely.

I know its a Major off topic, but I feel that in those sad times, it is important to find the things that unite us as humans and as people living togather, and specially this very rare step made by an israeli-arab in favor of understanding.

I am VERY proud of this person, even tho I never met him. This is a brave step that he too, but I balieve that the effects will be awesome !

The Site:
Avi....actually this is not the first time....
there were some groups of arabs and jews travelling together to death camps.....

but the problem is not between jews and israeli-arabs.....
the problem is the conflict between israel and the palestinians.....
and I hope we'll start to learn about each other soon.....that will make the right step towards peace....
I agree with you on most ideas, but the bog move here is that now there`s an institute for arab speakers to turn to in order get matter about the issue, in the arab language !
I want to comment on something :
Arabs and muslims has no problem with jews, all the problem is with the israelis, the problem is political, not in between relegions.
jews lived and still living in all the arab countries, no problem with them.

its a Rare look onto the history of the jewish people. This is probably the first time arab people gets to study this issue closely.

exactly the opposite, we learn and know alot of things about the Holocost and I wanted to open ad thread from a while in the 65 of opening that German camp by the allies (I don't remmber it's name cause it's in German :) ) , and I prepard alot of things about it and about other holocoust as well, but I hadn't the chance to start that thread, I delayed it to the summer.

I saw alot of documentaries about the holocust on arabian T.V. channels ... alot of them.
I saw interviews with arabs who studeied about holocoust in places like France, Germany and England ...
and there was alot of studies about the REAL number of the people that were killed in it.

Heitler was completly worng when he said that the Ari people are suprem people and they are better, that discrimination ,everybody know that all the men and women are equal, so when he killed jews, russians and other in Germany, he was killing every person which isn't german, he was killing Arabs, americans, french, Angles, Japaness ... etc, it was a crime against the world, not against the jews only.

but the problem is that mankind never learn, it keeps falling in the same hole.
other minor holocoust happned after and during WW2 in Israel, in Africa by militia, in south america as well,Sadam Housain killed Kurds alot of other places.
it's a crime against every muslim and christian when he can't enter the Holy Land and when he is unable to have your relegious rights, and when the land of God is turned to a blood bath.

1- I will talk in detail about the holocust in the summer, it's important to discuss such thing with Israilis here, in a polite gentle way of course.
2- no offence to israili guys around.
3- Kobi is going to kick my ass, and he will kick my out of the forum, LOL (just kidding) :p
4- I was told dutch people don't like this subject cause it open wounds.
obay bringer of light said:
it's a crime against every muslim and christian when he can't enter the Holy Land and when he is unable to have your relegious rights, and when the land of God is turned to a blood bath.

what crime, obay?
how can you take such stand when the whole world know that there are about 300,000 christians and 1.4 million arabs living in israel ?

and again, you did not proven me wrong about the issue of an arab institute for holocause studies and memorial. After all you said that arab scholars studied it in france, germany and such places.

sad thing is, obat, that history tells otherwise. hitler did not care about non-arians outside the Reich's occupation: all of the murdered in that war, in the name of ethnic cleansing, were all from round germany-poland and russia, as well as the co-operating countries and occupied places like greece for a short while.

in israel, palestine of the british mandatory, things were raging as israelis started to form a state and institutes, while local arab populaiton were controlled by two main families and the Mufti (religious leader) of jerusalem: Haj Amin El Husseini.

Just to make clear for our readers of this forum, here is some information about this figur:

Again, so prove my point that hitley might`ve hate all semite people, but killled mainly jews, here`s a document & a photograph of hitler sitting peacfully with mufti haj amin el husseini. I guess that there`s not much to imagin what these two talked about :ill:


So please, obay, dont make beautiful moments such as this topic - am akward disccution about views on modern history.
love you dear brother

good night :)

and another thing, Germans could`ve been against Japanese people because Japan was Hitler's ally
RashomoN said:
Avi....actually this is not the first time....
there were some groups of arabs and jews travelling together to death camps.....

but the problem is not between jews and israeli-arabs.....
the problem is the conflict between israel and the palestinians.....
and I hope we'll start to learn about each other soon.....that will make the right step towards peace....


problem is the Palastinians and all those extreme jews...
not the Israeli-arabs.. I have many israeli-arab friends and they know more than me about the holocust...

another political discussion - yeepeee!
Obay, could you tell me a bit about where this came from>>>
4- I was told dutch people don't like this subject cause it open wounds.

Me being dutch, this is actually one thing in the topic I can discuss about from my own experience and I do not know of the fact that the dutch are not willing to discuss this topic.
Yes, there are still wounds in our society concerning the 2nd world war, but I think they exist in every society that was involved.

The only way for the dutch to come clean with the germans about it in this very day and age is to battle on the football fields- joke ofcourse! But everyone knows that a football match between the national teams of Holland and Germany always has this special edge to it.