Orphaned Land and the Holocaust


Orphaned Avi (not drumer)
Sep 18, 2002
Today is the annual Israeli memorial day for the Holocaust.

Much have been said on this gloomy issue, and much more is to be said in the future.

In the name of my fellow OL members and crew, we low down out head today but sand with a straight back and proud stare in our eyes.
Today we honore thoes who were brutally murdered by the nazis and thier allies.
Today we Honor and praise those who gave thier lives for the warsaw ghetto rebellion, the Partizans of eastern europe, the Righteous gentiles heros who`ve risked it all for the goal of human deeds, the Denish fishermens who fleed polish jews onto the swedish coast, the churches, priests and nuns whom in thier temples they hide jewish and other children who were hunted by the nazi war-machine

In this day, we will also Praise the Pioneer zionists who dared to go home where the jewish people belong, and build our dream step by step, till these glorious days in which we stand proud on the only jewish-hebrew country in the world.

Humanity must never forget nor forgive this aweful act of hate and raciesm. there is little to be done with the past tho, what we Must do now, is take care of the future. make sure any type of hate is exterminated, weather it`s on the base of fanatic envy fot land, religious maddness or even politic and economic rooted.

Another interesing detail i think you`de love to know, is the actuall origine of Orphaned Land`s name.
The name is taken from a song by Yehuda Poliker (awesome israeli Greek\Rosk artist), and refers to the way our nation had reborn.
out of the massive death and destruction in europe, without a warm parental hand, our fathers and mothers have manage to rebuild our home, even tho it was a hostile enviroment.
Amen Avi, well said.

Human life is sacred, no matter from which nation, the holocaust is the biggest disaster human being ever made, we will not forget it, we must not forget it.

The challenge in life is to break the chains of history, to break free from it's grip and forge a new path.The dream path of our ancesters ...the path to freedom .equality and brotherhood........
For every time I stare out over the plain of humanity,I see the same scene repeating it self over and over again, I see a society of wolves and sheep, a society of slaves pretending to be masters and masters pretending to be civilized.....if we just all look to the sky we ll all see the holy truth ...we live under one sky ....so for what r wars ...for why causing pain ?
why dont we see whats going on?
There are not so many years to be wasted
Until the damage is done and the beauty is gone
What is the price that we pay?
Do we have nothing to say?
the father is between us all the time my friend but we just cant c him for our hearts r blinded by hate and angre...
so this concept of seek the bad to find good must be broken .........
seek the good to get the better ....IT S SHALOM WE MUST SEEK ...