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Do I go to work or take the day off?

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and plus when you leave, like what dead lioness said, put in 2 weeks notice, and if you have PTO (pay time off) like you said you did, if you have any hours left on that, that gets added to your final paycheck.

I'm putting in my 2 weeks notice at the casino on the 31st, so if shit fucks up in Tx, i can come back and at least still have my permanant liscense for the gameing agency.

sux that i can't pack all my shit either, i have a peavey 4x12 and so much stuff to take, but im just gonna store it at my parents house. Just bringing the things i NEED, like my guitar, games movies, game consoles and clothes.. TV, couch dressers all have to stay, cause all i have is a car.

Good luck with your move! and enjoy your day off!