A Kath & Kim Rant


Miserable Bastard
Apr 16, 2001
Enfield, South Australia
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Would someone mind explaining to me just why the show is supposed to be funny? I know it's all tongue in cheek, but those two characters are shining examples of everything that makes me sick about this country. In fact, if I were a dictator looking for a minority to exterminate, people like them would be the first against the wall.

I enjoyed a lot of Jane Turner's earlier work with D-Gen, but even watching the promos for K & K is like witnessing a particularly nasty car wreck. Urgh. :puke:

As with most things, the Brits do it so much better. Does anyone else here like The Royle Family?

Kath and Kim looks like the sort of comedy I wouldn't watch... and I don't! Low-brow crud like that doesn't really impress me much. Another one I can't stand is Everybody Loves Raymond. I don't love Raymond. I want to put him in shackles and drop him off a boat. Malcolm in the Middle shits me too.
:lol: I hate it too. Yet I've got both friends and family who think it's the greatest show ever. I've never really liked the typical Aussie piss-take comedies though. Either I don't understand it, or I just don't find driving a Kingswood and drinking VB funny.
I'd hate to agree with the previus opinions.

Kath and Kim are annoying as hell, they're not funny just idiotic (which does not make them funny), there's nothing clever about the show and I feel dumber watching it.

I have no idea how the show sells, it's just stupid.
I think part of the reason I hate it so much is that I'm an Anglophile snob :lol:. I don't find the Strine suburban stereotype remotely funny, even when it's supposed to be a send-up.

I am, however, a watcher of Everybody Loves Raymond. Not that I love him in any way, shape or form, but I'd cheerfully bang Deborah senseless while he wasn't looking.

haha, I think it's funny.

But for the exact opposite reason you don't!

or something.

If you get my drift...

...maybe it's the same reason that you don't.
although I did prefer them when they were snippets on Big Girls Blouse.

They were a lot funnier then.

And Magda is doing well for herself these days.

Let's fly JetSTAAAAAR!
I haven't watched K+K much but I guess it's ok. It has Glenn Robbins in it and he ruled as Russell Coight. But of course I'd much rather watch Coight than K+K.
Russell Coight is king.

"Share a laugh with some old friends..." *shows Russell laughing and the other guy not laughing*

ohhhh classic.

Sure, every episode was the same, but you just don't get tired of that.
Where is this "Fountain Lakes" place? I've never seen an episode, but then the ads haven't really appealed to me. I suppose I should give it a go sometime, so I can decide whether I like it or not.
I used to love the snippets I saw when I was over there, but it's been shown here on Satellite (Ppppfffhthhhtttt) so I won't get to see it. Royal Family rocks though. I can't believe so many people hate Everybody Loves Raymond, I really miss that show. I found out it's being shown here on Channel 4 but at 10am on a Saturday morning or something equally fucking stupid.

Wrathy - Are you a fan of The Office or Phoenix Nights?