A belated rant

lol...the Bears...I am trying to figure out how y'all can bitch at the bears? I mean, in a city where the cubs are the worst franchise in all sports...come on now....and in 86, hell I cant even remember that year...lol
Have you watched baseball in the past couple of years? The Cubs may not be ready to go all the way but they're certainly a damn sight better than they once were, and calling them the worst isn't really called for! hehe
The last couple of years the Cubs have reminded me of the Mets in how they have a lot of great pitchers coming along, but they can't win. And they've definitely improved greatly, I mean, they actually made to the playoffs. It's been a while since that happened. Kerry Wood is god. I miss Flash Gordon though...
I should mention, for those of you wondering why someone from Colorado likes Chicago teams, I lived most of my life in Illinois. I'm moving back there next month, and I can go see Novembers Doom play!
yes, well now that my beloved Red Sox have won the whole damn thing, I can at least talk a little smack about the cubs....can't I? besides, is there anything more annoying in all of baseball than that damn Sosa "hop"...I love it when he does the hop and the right fielder catches the ball not even on the warning track..haha
NvmbrsDoom5 said:
Just curious....my ex moved to somewhere in or around Denver, and I was hoping like hell that you didn't know her LOL

I'm quite sure I don't, I never made attempts to meet anyone here. No worries.

As for Sosa...nothing he does can bother me. And again, Kerri Wood rocks. I suppose that since the Red Sox won you might be able to say a few bad things about the Cubs. but just wait, they'll have their moment, and then hahahaha.
NvmbrsDoom5 said:
Luckily we practice every sunday so it's rare that I get to watch a Bears game anymore, but on the times I have caught any of it lately, I wished that I hadn't.

I can agree on that. Another thing, a lot of people are really disliking Lovey. Why? He's new, of course he wont' be great. But I'm telling you now, give him a little more time and he'll be doing a lot of good. He's already been helping the defense.