Twilight Innocence


Doom On!
Apr 14, 2004
West Burbs of Chicago
My pre-order package arrived yesterday!! YAY!!
Great pacakge, as expected. I will be writing a formal review within a few days.

The purpose of this thread is to discuss the powerful effect that TWILIGHT INNOCENCE had on me at first listen.

The song begins with a beautiful accoustic intro. Then Paul comes in with a haunting, yet powerful, David Gilmore-esque monotone vocal delivery of, "I wonder what she dreams about?"

Last week, my sister-in-law (my wife's sister) VERY prematurely delivered a set of twins. One boy and one girl. She was only 21 weeks along!! Needless to say, they were both immediately put on life support. Within days, the girl began bleeding in the brain. At first, it was only on one side. 2 days ago, they performed another cat scan, and the bleeding now was on BOTH sides of the brain. The doctors had already informed the couple that the girls quality of living, if she did survive, would be EXTREMELY poor (IE - she would basically be a vegetable). The second cat scan confirmed that my sister-in-law and her husband would have to make the hardest decision in their life, to take her off of life support. Yesterday, she was taken off life support, and passed away in the arms of her mother...........

Therefore, when Paul sings, "I wonder what she dreams about? Perhaps my arms that hold her tight.........", it brought me to tears, as the vision of my sister-in-law holding her dying daughter in her arms.......

Thanks for writing another emotionally powerful song.

Sorry for the depressing thread, but I felt the need to let you know the effect this song had on me......

As I said, I will write a formal review of the rest of the album later.

Thanks to all who took the time to read this.
Shit man thats terribble, sorry to hear to it.

Cant wait to hear this song tho, It seems to be the song "everyone" mentions in the reviews etc...jus a few more days...damm international shipping!
Wow Jason... I don't even know what to say. I'm really sorry to hear the horrible news. I'm usually quite happy when a song of ours has a strong effect on someone. This time, i'm not so sure.

On a different note, It's funny you mentioned the "David Gilmore-esque" sound. Dan Swano said the same thing about my vocals when he was mixing Pale Haunt. You are the only 2 guys to point that out. :)
Hey guys.
Paul - one thing I have always admired most about Novembers Doom, in the couple years now I have been into you guys, is your honesty. Therefore, when I had that reaction to the song, I felt the need to express it.

I have been a Pink Floyd fan for as long as I can remember.
This track is extremely Floyd-esque.
(and that is a good thing by the way).
As I had said previously, from first impression, TNR is a natural progression from TPHD. The vocal delivery and guitar leads are prime exampls of this, esp on Twilight.

Larry - I knew you wouldn't mind the Gimore/Floyd comparison!!!!
Hey Jaysonic, Man that is utterly Horrible news man, My condolances to you and the family. Shit man, I am pretty bummed right now.

That news really hit me now that I have a child of my own, and the though of not seeing my little girl when I awaken is unbearable. I actually got a lump in my throught as I read that.

As for the song, I was not so sure about that one at first, Initially, that was my least favorite in fact (not the lyrics, because they are so touching) I think moreso for the "Monotone" presentation within the phrasing. Or perhapse just the way the words seemed crammed into the measure. But as i said, and I knew it would, over time it has definitely grown on me, and I am very much digging that song. I am digging the whole album very much actually. And the Lyrics are just so touching in that song, Kudos Paul!

Ps. i hope I am not offending anyone with my opinion, because it's hard to describe stuff sitting behind a keyboard lol.
In some ways, Paul's vocal take on "Twilight..." is more akin to his cleaner vocal stuff on "The Knowing" at times. At least that's how it feels to me. It definitely sounds and feels like Novembers Doom, and I think that's a good thing. So far it seems like people's reactions to this song is that they either love it or like it the least. And that's okay because those kinds of songs seem to be the ones that always get that sort of divided reaction.

Yeah Dan yknow it's sometimes harder than all hell trying to put something across properly with limited space on an internet forum, I know the feeling. I don't think anything you've said is going to be taken offensively.
I love when a band isn't afraid to take a risk.
Lyrically and musically, Twilight Innocence is amazing.

Sorry, I didn't mean to depress anyone with my family's news.
The only reason I posted it here was to express how the song impacted me on a personal level.

So, on a related note, is TI the type of song that might be played live today?
Granted, I understand with Chicago Powerfest coming up, you guys might not want to discuss set list plans, which I can totally understand...
Thanks again guys.
Many of you have contacted me via personal message, and I extremely appreciate it. Its amazing how powerful music can bring people together.

FYI - My sister-in-law is doing well, and her boy is holding on....