RIP Renske aka etherealsadness

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Even tho I do not post here, I have just read this in someone's sig... and when I looked at her birthdate.... :cry: It might not affect me very much when people die due to their age or their own unsmartness (smoking, drinking etc), but someone that has to die before her/his time... that is sad indeed :cry:

Well, one relieve might be that she is without pain now, even tho this one's really a small relieve only...

my condolances to those who where close to her and knew her better than I did.
Originally posted by Thanatos
you could say it's none of my business, and you'd be right, but I suggest that nobody replies to unregistered people making offensive comments, to avoid further staining of this thread, also, it might be a good idea to ask thewendy (she is listed as the mod of this forum) to remove the posts from such people, I can PM her, if nobody's against it.

No, this forum supports freedom of speech. EVen with sorry individuals as MS. ITs sad he said his shit in this trhead. For the record, i addressed one of teh assholes in another trhead.

SO, just look over the morons, and leave wendy out, thats just my opinion anyway.

Same as manda. I saw the R.I.P. in someone's signature. I'm grateful she opened up to everyone like that. My deepest condolences.
She had a strong heart. I pray that God be with her family and friends through this time of sorrow. Did anyone ever set up that memorial website for her with pictures? It would be a great way to show tribute to her.
Originally posted by mandaX
I saw the RIP in someones sig.. I give my condolences to the nevermore board and the metal community..
When another member of the metal community is taken away, especially before their time,we all feel the pain...

BTW,ledmag,the poem in your's of your own,I assume?
I also saw it from ppl's sigs.

Rest in peace Renske...

And maybe you should just ignore brainless ppl like the "mysterious asshole", don't allow the(ir) hatred enter such a thread by replying to it with hatred :/
I am saddened reading the heartless replies by people like "Mysterious Stalker". I hope they never have someone they loved taken from them, for I am sure they would sure feel much differently then...

My sympathies to her family and friends (both on and off the boards). I am sorry.

Rest in peace Renske.
Shit, I go away for a couple of weeks and come back to find this??

I'm not christian, but i hope she's ina better place...Nevermore is lucky to have the dedicated fans like she, and we are lucky to have a band that is there for us, lyically, emotionally...etc.

RIP beyond the suns...
