A Sex Story!

The Heart Collector said:
Not only do i have to look forward to another dull B-day as always, but Thursday is our two year anniversary, and lots of things weighing me down at the moment...I don't even want to think about being 26 yet.
Well, congratulations on the anniversary to both of you, that's really cool. No one can stand me for two weeks, so I think that's wonderful. :worship:
Thanks....I think its only lasted this long, because, one: long hair, two: she has spent valueable time corrupting me to her liking, and three: I am about the only person that can stand her...and she is very beautiful, even if she can't admit to it, she can be a pain sometimes, but i still love her so much.
The Heart Collector said:
Thanks....I think its only lasted this long, because, one: long hair, two: she has spent valueable time corrupting me to her liking, and three: I am about the only person that can stand her...and she is very beautiful, even if she can't admit to it, she can be a pain sometimes, but i still love her so much.
Awww....yup, if I were a lesbian...hehe, kidding. I only have one female friend here and the only woman I talk to online is Jamie so I get ya. It's really sweet that you can say that so candidly, even if it's online. Unless...she's there...with a gun.... Really you guys rock and I wanna come to your Viking wedding feast one day.

Such sweetness...all alone....:erk: *sniff* BACK TO DIRTY STUFF! ;)
Nah, no gun to my head...its about the only place i can say things like that, cause in public places she hates it if i say mushy things, makes her blush and all that cute stuff. And you are more than welcomed to come for the Viking Feast, and if you were a lesbian, i would have to ask her for a threesome and make some videos...jking.
BlackwaterNymph said:
Mine is soon too. 21. It's all downhill from there.
I'm 21 in 21 days... so I see you're the same age as me... wanna do it?

Actually, I'm looking forward to 21. No more college bullshit, can drink in the states without fear of getting arrested, and I'll soon have my own apartment where I can walk around nude and shit on the carpet and no one will mind... well, I might... but if pigs do it, and men are pigs as so many women tell me....
DarkNoise said:
Actually, I'm looking forward to 21. No more college bullshit, can drink in the states without fear of getting arrested....

you havent heard about a fake ID, have you?


but yeah, joy.
you can drink in the states.

its over rated.
its not fun at all to drink in this country.
Tee said:
hmm... well, partially, yes. :zzz:

if you had a penis would you ever try to impregnate yourself or would you just use it for it's practical virtues such as whizzing while standing?

*out-contemplates the thinking man*

who will win this epic battle