OK, now come on! Those of you who are old enough to know better, brave the blinking pink and go back and look again. Are we getting age and ugly confused? One can cause the other, but sometimes ugly is just there to begin with and age never entered into it. I'd have guessed 40ish, but 35 isn't impossible.
Also, Steph, hon? You don't look "good", you look "incredibly fucking hot". Just accept this about yourself and move forward from there. If you don't believe me, I'm guessing I can get several additional independent opinions without a whole lot of effort.
Finally, by definition, fully 1/2 the population is of below average intelligence. So why are we surprised that someone's bright enough to know they have to punish for the egging, but not bright enough to know what's fair and what's not. Frankly, I'd have cancelled the party, too. There'd still have been cake and a "real" present, but I'd have cancelled the party, 'cause my kid would have been grounded for that shit. Matt grew up mostly OK and only needed a little therapy, and he doesn't have a criminal record or a bunch of bodies in his freezer, so it's prolly not wildly off-base parenting. It would suck having stupid parents and I feel sorry for Austin. But, hey, he's still got that fire truck thing he enjoys, so, ummmmm -- yeah....