A Kath & Kim Rant

Everybody Loves Raymond is awesome :notworthy I was watching it last night and it was hysterical :rock:
Actually I take that back about Everybody Loves Raymond. I ended up watching some last night and it has it's moments. The title just annoys me. It's so....seppo.
"Wrathy - Are you a fan of The Office or Phoenix Nights?"

Haven't seen either I'm afraid, or Black Books come to think of it.

I did enjoy Drop The Dead Donkey way back when, and Goodness Gracious Me was always good for a laugh before it morphed into The Kumars at No 42 and became a one-joke wonder.

New series of Jonathan Creek starts on Friday night! :rock:

"Dude, you *need* to see Black Books. You'll love it. Trust me on this."

So I've been told. I'll get round to it one of these days. I'm a tortoise, me. Not the fastest one in the race but I get there in the end :).

Dreamy, have you seen "Strange" or "Sea Of Souls"? (I think they're both on the Beeb).
Are they as good as I've heard and who do I have to bribe to get them shown over here?

Season three of Black Books came out here a few weeks ago, so I will have to pick that up sometime. Great show.

I watched some of Everybody Loves Raymond last night, and it was pretty funny. It can be a decent show, but I think last night was better than average.

Did anyone else see the girls from Kath & Kim on Rove last night? Pretty crazy how different they look dressed like normal people lol.
Black Books rules. I hope ABC shows series 3 soon, and puts on re-runs of Father Ted.

I'm still annoyed at SBS for taking off The Mighty Boosh. Did anyone else catch it? It was gold.
Speaking of cultural stereotypes, we got a visit from Effie ay work today. How fucking 'excitement.'

Yes, I can't wait for the new Johnathon Creek either, awesome show.
Wait a tick... Black Books season 3 is out already?! Last I heard they were still writing it!

That's the best news I've heard all day!

By the way... The Royle Family are fucken hilarious. Does anyone know if DVDs are available in Australia?
Wrathchild said:
Dreamy, have you seen "Strange" or "Sea Of Souls"? (I think they're both on the Beeb).
Are they as good as I've heard and who do I have to bribe to get them shown over here?

To be honest dude I've never heard of either of them.:erk: I don't watch a great deal of TV anymore. Ironically, I buy alot of DVD's of TV shows and spend a great deal of time watching them. :lol:

If I may be so bold as to offer another show to look out for - Little Britain. Fucking brilliant, in my humble opinion. Mark also finds this hysterical, so I'm sure it will appeal to people other than us Brits. :)
dreamwatch said:
I don't watch a great deal of TV anymore. Ironically, I buy alot of DVD's of TV shows and spend a great deal of time watching them. :lol:
lol i'm exactly the same... 80% of my DVD collection consists of TV shows, and most of the time I buy the box sets after I've seen one or two episodes on TV and decide it's worth the punt.

suprisingly i've had a rather high success rate so far (ie. 100%). i haven't hated a TV show i've bought on DVD yet.
League of Gentlemen rules! Best comedy in years (if you don't count The Office - can't believe you haven't seen that, Wrathy!).

Couldn't figure out what the big deal was with Phoenix Nights. Shall have to give it another go.

<insert witty League of Gentlemen quote here>
"Don't touch the precious things of the shop!"

"Can I have a can of Coke please?"
"I can I can't?"

Edward: Quiet, David, we're trying to work! Now, candles!

(Tubbs pulls down four candles. She looks at them for a moment.)

Tubbs: Umm...twelvety!

Edward: (satisfied, records the candles on the clipboard) Good, good...cans of can't?

(Cut back to Tubbs, who stoops to the cans of soda, pauses a moment and counts again)

Tubbs: (Waving her hands) Twelvety!

Edward: Good. And precious things?

(Tubbs steps down and looks at the snow globes. She counts off on her fingers.)

Tubbs: Uhh, twelvety!

Edward: (Happily) Good, we haven't sold a thing!

Edward: Oh, Tubbs, we're getting too old for this. My eyes, they're not what they were.

Tubbs: Maybe David could help out, on busy days, like today!

Edward: No, Tubbs! This is a local shop for local people!

Edward: David has spent far too much time among the strangers!

(Something has caught Tubb's attention. Cut to a roach crawling across the counter)

Edward: His behavior is too...peculiar!

(Tubbs smacks the roach, then quickly shoves it into her mouth)

Tubbs: Maybe--(pauses and chews)--But one day, this shop will be his!

Edward: That's what worries me. Our mother was lucky she had us to carry on the line, but...David...

Tubbs: (Sadly, rubbing her stomach)...and my insides are all wrong!

Edward: Then, the time has come to find him a mate!

Tubbs: A no-tail? But how will we get one?!

Edward: Leave it to me, Tubbs, I...have a way...with women!

:lol: :lol: :lol: