"Don't touch the precious things of the shop!"
"Can I have a can of Coke please?"
"I can I can't?"
Edward: Quiet, David, we're trying to work! Now, candles!
(Tubbs pulls down four candles. She looks at them for a moment.)
Tubbs: Umm...twelvety!
Edward: (satisfied, records the candles on the clipboard) Good, good...cans of can't?
(Cut back to Tubbs, who stoops to the cans of soda, pauses a moment and counts again)
Tubbs: (Waving her hands) Twelvety!
Edward: Good. And precious things?
(Tubbs steps down and looks at the snow globes. She counts off on her fingers.)
Tubbs: Uhh, twelvety!
Edward: (Happily) Good, we haven't sold a thing!
Edward: Oh, Tubbs, we're getting too old for this. My eyes, they're not what they were.
Tubbs: Maybe David could help out, on busy days, like today!
Edward: No, Tubbs! This is a local shop for local people!
Edward: David has spent far too much time among the strangers!
(Something has caught Tubb's attention. Cut to a roach crawling across the counter)
Edward: His behavior is too...peculiar!
(Tubbs smacks the roach, then quickly shoves it into her mouth)
Tubbs: Maybe--(pauses and chews)--But one day, this shop will be his!
Edward: That's what worries me. Our mother was lucky she had us to carry on the line, but...David...
Tubbs: (Sadly, rubbing her stomach)...and my insides are all wrong!
Edward: Then, the time has come to find him a mate!
Tubbs: A no-tail? But how will we get one?!
Edward: Leave it to me, Tubbs, I...have a way...with women!