I've already listened to VISIONS FROM THE SPIRAL GENERATOR a dozen times (most memorably during my vacation trip to Disneyland) and at work where my co-workers who didn't even know who Vintersorg was approved of the music. And I never got a chance to talk about it with the good members of the Vintersorg Message Boards. So here it is...
1. "Quotation"
"The only laws of matter are those our mind must fabricate, and the only laws of mind are fabricated by matter." Lovely intro.
2. "Vem Styr Symmetrin?"
Great opening tune. I got a taste (very quickly) of Mr. Vintersorg's lovely singing and devastating screams and growls. Solid song...one of the best on the CD.
3. "A Metaphysical Drama"
Not only my favourite song on VISIONS FROM THE SPIRAL GENERATOR, but it's also my favourite Vintersorg song...period. However, I only have VISIONS FROM THE SPIRAL GENERATOR and THE FOCUSING BLUR. This may change, but it will still be one of my favourites. My favourite part is the final refrain...
"Rainbows in colours never seen (ahhhhhh ah ah ah ahhhhhhh)
In symbioses with Nordic light that flashes in green (ahhhhhh ah ah ah ahhhhhhh). AWESOME vocals.
4. "Universums Dunkla Alfabet"
Cool tune. The opening organ playing is very Amorphis-ish. Or at least that's what it reminded me of...
5. "E.S.P. Mirage"
Interesting opening to this song...some great stuff from Mr. Steve Di Giorgio, one of metal's all time great bass players. And such a great chorus.
6. "Spegelsparen"
More cool stuff from Mr. Di Giorgio. More cool vocals from Vintersorg. And some nice keyboard stuff in it as well...
7. "The Explorer"
Beautiful vocal setup to this tune...then it goes right into a cool riff layered by Vintersorg's trademark screech. One of the choice tunes.
8. "A Star-guarded Coronation"
Lovely acoustic riffing at the opening of this song. Almost pop-ish. We'll just say 'accessible.' But who cares? Great song...
9. "Trance Locator"
Nice @$$ kicker to end a great CD. Vintersorg and Blastbeats...
Like peanut butter and jelly!
1. "Quotation"
"The only laws of matter are those our mind must fabricate, and the only laws of mind are fabricated by matter." Lovely intro.
2. "Vem Styr Symmetrin?"
Great opening tune. I got a taste (very quickly) of Mr. Vintersorg's lovely singing and devastating screams and growls. Solid song...one of the best on the CD.
3. "A Metaphysical Drama"
Not only my favourite song on VISIONS FROM THE SPIRAL GENERATOR, but it's also my favourite Vintersorg song...period. However, I only have VISIONS FROM THE SPIRAL GENERATOR and THE FOCUSING BLUR. This may change, but it will still be one of my favourites. My favourite part is the final refrain...
"Rainbows in colours never seen (ahhhhhh ah ah ah ahhhhhhh)
In symbioses with Nordic light that flashes in green (ahhhhhh ah ah ah ahhhhhhh). AWESOME vocals.
4. "Universums Dunkla Alfabet"
Cool tune. The opening organ playing is very Amorphis-ish. Or at least that's what it reminded me of...
5. "E.S.P. Mirage"
Interesting opening to this song...some great stuff from Mr. Steve Di Giorgio, one of metal's all time great bass players. And such a great chorus.
6. "Spegelsparen"
More cool stuff from Mr. Di Giorgio. More cool vocals from Vintersorg. And some nice keyboard stuff in it as well...
7. "The Explorer"
Beautiful vocal setup to this tune...then it goes right into a cool riff layered by Vintersorg's trademark screech. One of the choice tunes.
8. "A Star-guarded Coronation"
Lovely acoustic riffing at the opening of this song. Almost pop-ish. We'll just say 'accessible.' But who cares? Great song...
9. "Trance Locator"
Nice @$$ kicker to end a great CD. Vintersorg and Blastbeats...
Like peanut butter and jelly!