A little about yourself

Mori, if you don't mind me asking, what sort of work does a white hat do? I think I've heard the term before, but I'm not sure exactly what it involves.
Mori, if you don't mind me asking, what sort of work does a white hat do? I think I've heard the term before, but I'm not sure exactly what it involves.

I don't mind, I actually get this question alot, so here is something I wrote a while back.
Simply Put Hackers are in 3 categories:

White Hats: Hackers who abide by the law and are typically employed by Businesses/Corporations/Government/Private Entities/or even just average users to secure, test the security of, and defend against Black Hats. These are also just general programmers who do things like making the games you play or applications you use, or people who develop electronics.

Grey Hats: Hackers who (most of the time) work for no one and just try and find flaws in systems, then report it to system admins and/or the Company who owns it, and if they don't listen, report it to whichever group they like so the people who do not listen will. (They typically go about it illegally, and are nuisances but no one bothers them too much, there are worse people to go after.)

Black Hats: Hackers who do not follow the laws and typically hack for illegal purposes (mountry gain, identity theft, government secrets, and crippling businesses just to name a few).

It is pretty accurate, I had to simplify it though.
My work also involves data recovery, hardware repair, and virus removal.
^ a white hat hacker would be an awesome job. I just did a college course last semester where the professor would give us programs that he wrote and we had to find out how to break them. It was really fun.
Hi guys, I'm Nate. 23 year old full time student. I work as a CNA at a hospital in San Diego (which is a very interesting job to say the least). I'm going to school for nursing with plans to eventually go to medical school. I have in the past worked as a PC technician, and before that I was a youth leader/pastor for a small church in Scotland.

Favorite bands:
The Mountain Goats
Iron & Wine
Becoming the Archetype
Blaster the Rocketman
Bon Iver
David Bazan/Pedro The Lion/Headphones
Explosions in the Sky
Five Iron Frenzy (anyone else stoked for the reunion?)
Jose Gonzalez/Junip
Neutral Milk Hotel
Jars of Clay (only CCM I listen to)
God is an Astronaut
Steven Delopoulos
Sigur Ros
Sufjan Stevens
Jamie Barnes

Favorite movie:
Office Space
I've met the bassist for Jars of Clay you know... He's related to some people that go to my church.
Stargate was one of the best shows till they got rid of him.

Well, they didn't exactly get rid of him, he basically retired during the last seasons of Stargate SG-1 for medical and personal reasons, making occasional guest appearances instead (SG-1 was a dying series anyway those last few seasons:().
Such a shame they terminated the whole Stargate franchise last year though...:cry:
Ahh SGU was the worst one in my opinion.

And the entire Ori arc did ruin it. (SG-1)

The last half season of SGU. The last five episodes. They were AWESOME. I say they fit in the same league as many great SG-1 and Atlantis episodes. Too bad they waited until right before they got cancelled to finally start making astoundingly awesome plots.

My favorite of the series is Atlantis. My oldest brother and I don't consider seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 as actually SG-1. They're like an entirely new, still awesome (key words) series. We call it New SG-1 or something.

Which main character do I like the best? O'neill? Sheppard? Mitchell? They're all awesome. You can't compare them.

As for SGU? It didn't really have a main character. But of the characters, my favorite would probably be Dr. Volker or Eli. They both had really cool character development.