A little blind test for y'all (vinyl rip vs cd rip)


New Metal Member
Jul 5, 2008
So I figured since I've been steadily doing vinyl rips I'd post up some stuff with comparisons and such.

I'll be updating this topic with more comparisons later today. But for now here is a Cephalic Carnage one. Post stating which you think is the vinyl and which is the cd and which you think sounds better.

The only thing I did to the files was drag them into reaper and roughly match the levels.

(fair usage and stuff is assumed because the clips are fuckin SHORT)

Cephalic Carnage - Jihad Comparison

Would much prefer this is it was Paramore BNE ;)

Anyway, B sounds much worse. Much narrower, the lowend is completely gone, but it sounds somewhat more analogue, smoother mids. I'm going to say B is the vinyl one.. either they eff'd up the vinyl mix, you didn't rip it perfectly or I don't like vinyl :D OR I'm wrong.
i am gonna put my brand new eyes rip on my flash drive and get that one ready in a little while dood
B is the vinyl , there is static that can be heard. Sounds to me like the cd version is panned wider. I think I prefer the Vinyl
My vote is A=CD, B=vinyl.

B has a more midrange to it and while it has a bit less low end it seems more uncontrolled and floppy. I can also hear some pops/scratching.
A is more broad sounding to me. It is "warmer" but has a more lifeless sound to it. Less character. So, while warmer... not exactly more analog.
B seems to have a wider stereo field, making it quite lively sounding. This kind of contradicts my guess since I imagine vinyl would have a more narrow field because all the stereo information is going through the same needle. But maybe I am wrong about that, or maybe I am hearing phase abnormalities from the way the stylus is positioned or something.
My bet is :

The cd is a bit more "high quality" but it's not so warm as the vinyl one. And i can definitely hear some analog distortion on the second clip.

I like the b better
I think maybe A is the vinyl...the highs seem a little rounded off and the lows fatter...B sounds more clicky with the attack to me...maybe I've had a really long day at work and am not hearing thing right, though...I'll try again later.