A little gift for Heathen Crusade fans

LOL. You know, it occurs to me, I didn't see a second of Thyrfing. I was either head down, in the pit, or headbanging so intently that I never looked up. Awesome fucking show (and I wasn't even a Thyrfing fan heading in).
:kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass:

I am so stoked for the next incarnation. Seriously Greg, it's very hard to argue the point about the first show being the best single concert experience ever - both from a musical and sheer fun factor standpoint. Without taking the atmosphere of the giant Euro festivals into account (something that's basically impossible to recreate over here, at least for now), it was just off the charts. My memories of Thyrfing are that it was also off the charts, and yet at the same time I can't remember a damn thing, LOL. :kickass:
General Zod said:
Perfectly stated. My plan for HCII is to keep the number of Goose & Bull I drink under 20.

Yeah, by the time we hit number 21 last year, we were toast. :lol:

I'll tell you what though, drinking the Goose & Bull in lieu of beer really helped keep my energy level up for the whole night. Very effective!
General Zod said:
LOL. You know, it occurs to me, I didn't see a second of Thyrfing. I was either head down, in the pit, or headbanging so intently that I never looked up.


I remember that...You kicked my ass.