a little help please..


Nov 20, 2005
ok well anyone who can give me any sort of advice would be great, ive tried to research stuff on the net for what i need to know, but some of it..i dont quite understand and because i dont actually have one of the pieces of equipment, i have no way of just trying stuff out. basically im planning to get a behringer mx9000 desk a) cos theyre cheap b) everyone whos bought one seems to give them a great write up, and say theyre as good as a mackie desk which costs like probably 3x's the amount.

at the moment i run nuendo, i have a 12 track fostex desk and a delta 1010, but im planning getting another 1010, so i can run 16 tracks back and forth cos at the moment i mix on my computer, but i wanto beable to mix at least most of my tracks on an actual desk. the behringer has a b route, but to anyone who knows..i know for certain i want to take direct outs from all tracks into the delta, and back from the delta what should i go into? so i can monitor it and mix it at the same time? would i use the b mix? or something else?

a second problem is when i finish a session on nuendo cos i mix there, id just do a audio mix down, but if im mixing on a desk whats the best way to do this? cos id probably want to listen to the track as its being played type thing. rather than it just doing it...i hope this makes sense. sorry for the long post. cheers
While this doesn't realy answer your questions, it is something to think about.
At the start of this year, i was alot like you and didn't want to mix on a DAW, and was quite set on mixing on a desk/ controler. I did find though, that a good mouse and a bit of practice mixing in programs is alot cheaper and simpler, and eventually there isn't too much of a difference in results, if any.

Sorry that it doesnt realy help with your specific questions, but im sure you could apreciate the lack of hassles and time/money saved.

skip the behringer. Get some nice pres or a nice 8 channel ad/da converter (lynx, rme, theyare not expensive). It will improve your sound. Get used to mix ITB. Get a controller for Nuendo ( hey, i use nuendo too )

Just my 002 cents

Sorry for not helping out :) :) :)
cheers guys, yeah i guess so..i mean i dont expect amazing pre amps in the desk or anything i plan to get a distressor and probably a focusrite preamp. im just quite a hands on person, i like to beable to touch stuff haha, ill keep looking though see if i can find some solutions, did you not end up getting the desk in the end??
I have a shitty desk for the sake of being able to get level to my DAW, but i do all mixing on PC.
I guess its alot safer if you do it this way also, cos unless you have an awsome outboard rig, the signal may begin to be coloured/ deteriorate by the multiple A-D and D-A conversions and the circuits of your equipment. Seing that you would start with a desk, send it to the PC, back out to the desk to mix, and then possibly back to the PC for mastering/ bouncing downt to disk, the signal would be taking alot of shit.
