A little known fact about NoLordy...

Captain Beard

No longer active
Sep 6, 2001
I have an obsession with ESP guitars. NO, not because In Flames and Arch Enemy use them (Ok, 25% why), but because I LOVE the sound they make, and must have one. All I have is a shitty Fender Strat (Commonly known as a "starter kit"). :(
Yeah,you smash it at our psuedo-band's first concert-some type of county carnival,like the ones at the fire hall.When we lead everyone there to believe that we are some type of redneck Christian rock band(working idea) but then we launch into a death metal song about how jesus doesn't exist...you should post the lyrics of that song here if/when you find them(if they are even lost).
I currently have a Kramer though, since I can't afford a good B.C. Rich yet. I wonder how many people have heard of Kramer.
Pretty decent gittarz.

Originally posted by dreaming neon darkspot
Yeah,you smash it at our psuedo-band's first concert-some type of county carnival,like the ones at the fire hall.When we lead everyone there to believe that we are some type of redneck Christian rock band(working idea) but then we launch into a death metal song about how jesus doesn't exist...you should post the lyrics of that song here if/when you find them(if they are even lost).
Those lyrics fucking suck... they need revision badly... and yeah, they are lost...
Well i don't really like B.C. RICH guitars but i think they are ok!
But i LOVE Gibson Les Paul and Paul Reed Smith they are great in every way but they are quite expensive! :mad: So a own an Epiphone Les Paul which is very good for her price!:cool:
What the HELL is wrong with all of you??

\m/JACKSON GUITARS \m/ :mad:

They kick far more ass than those shitty BC Rich guitars. They are all looks and no sound. You have to pay a ton to get a good sounding one.
Shit, according to Philo, that shouldn't happen, it's a damned paradox. OH SHIT, I just looked out my window, and saw the whole of existence begin to collapse inward!!!
hahahahaha :devil: