A little update about me.....


PQ member
Jan 8, 2002
Southampton, UK
Morning all!

Hope everyone is doing great and surviving the cold snap......it's certainly very cold in the UK right now.

I just wanted to let you all know that I'm starting a new job in Nottingham on February 13th......still working for Capita but now working on the O2 contract that they have been managing for a while. I'm going to be working up there during the week and coming home weekends in the short term to see how things work out and will be staying with my sister in Derby.

Needless to say this is going to mean that I won't be around the forum quite as much as normal but hopefully the rest of the guys will pick up the slack in my absence.

Congrats on the new job, mate. I hope it does wonders for you. Are you having to rent a flat up there for the weekdays? Hope you manage to get on here often as you can. I sneak it in a bit at work ;) they're not too strict on between-task-surfing :)
As I've said to you before, congratulations and good luck with the new job! Nottingham's a great city. Definitely want to come up there some time and go out for a lovely pint of local ale with you. Sound like a plan? ;)
I'll be staying with my sister and her husband in the short term and take it from there initially......it's a step up jobwise so I need to apply myself quite seriously to make sure I get up to speed as quickly as possible.....might allow myself one night out per week though :)
That's great news, Steve - I'm happy for you! Hope you don't become overloaded with work. All work and no play, you know... :loco:
As it's nearly time for me to start my new job, I won't be around the forum as much as in the past so I'm hoping the rest of the band can make up for my absence....although I'm not holding my breath.....bwahahahahaha!
Well, I've been scarcer around these parts than rocking horse shit recently.....and I humbly apologise for that guys.

The new job is working out just great though.....enjoying it immensely, probably more so than any job I've ever had.......which is clearly a good thing lol!
No worries Steve, we all know you're a busy fellow! Especially with the new job.