:Smokin: I'm in my local record store - tattooed sean if you read this, it's at ZIA- grabbing a new Among CD when I spy a mag with SOD in big red letters on the cover along with a pentagram with a snake or two intertwined on the star. I stroll over and the price reads $6.66 - no shit! I look thru it and it's all underground stuff really. A lot and I mean A LOT of underground music scene articles, pics, "order this CD now" for band X or Y type of ads, etc. Mind you I thumbed thru this for a brief second (had my kids with me) so I really didn't get a thorough look to see if there was even a reference to the S.O.D. we all know. Anyone else anywhere even seen this mag? If so, is it a regular publishing like Hot Rod or something?